I'm lazy! The first TEN people to request/reserve are allowed THREE icons each! (Unless you only want to request one/two, then please say so and we'll allow more requests!)
Everyone that nails the next TEN spots can request TWO each!
PLEASE go through with your reserves!
Icon requests will be filled by an iconist at random, so please don't request anyone in particular! We're nabbing whichever icon requests catch our fancy and that's that!
PICHOOR(S): Images please! COLOR REFERENCE: Very helpful sir! Give me something so I don't color your requested icon's hair cyan and their eyes neon green! PREFERENCES: Light, dark, pastels, trendy grain texture requests, STRIPES CAN BURN IN HELL etc. go here!
As per usual conduct, a request post to get the ball rolling! Hey hey let's go kenkan suru!