rumble session 2 information page

Oct 18, 2010 23:37

rumble session 2 info page

this is where you can find your points and session details.

signed up participants: kukie92, fonulyn, mon_hantise72, calin_durus, kathiann, candygram_5000, jussy_Baby, ayaisdifferent, tiah15

you can still sign up for this rumble until round 3; after that the sign-ups are closed for the rest of the round. please comment here if you wish to join.

your points will be tracked here underneath in a grid/table box so you can see them progress every week. each challenge you will be battling for the following points:

~ 5 points for first place
~ 4 points for second place
~ 3 points for third place
~ 2 points are given for the special category/ies
~ 1 point is given each time you enter a round
~ 1 point for a mods choice
~ * point for promotion (one * = 1 point)

you must participate in every round up until the end. you don't have to participate in every round, but it is advised otherwise you don't have a chance in winning any points. your points are then calculated at the end of the session and the winners will be the people who have the most points, simple. :)

we will have 10 rounds this time and these are the themes:
round 1: autumn
round 2: city life
round 3: wool
round 4: fish
round 5: halloween. special category: best creative
round 6: clouds
round 7: ladybugs
round 8: horses SC: negative space by kukie92
round 9: spare
round 10: spare

if you have claimed one of the themes above, you can also make the special category to go with it. just comment here with it if you like. there are 2 spare theme places, the first 2 people to comment with their ideas gets the theme allocated to that round. you can claim the theme even if you have one already; first come first serve and it must be nature related.

rumble session 1 round 1 points grid.
key: R# = number of the round | #P = place you won | SC = special category | MC = mods choice

5 points R1 1P | 2 points R1 SC

4 points R1 2P

3 points R1 3P

1 point R1 MC

rumble session 2

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