Title: Shine all your light over me
mrssnape13Pairing: John Smith/Rose Tyler; mentions of Doctor/Rose.
Rating: PG
Genre: Schmoop
Part of Smith and Tyler 'verse. Written for
schmoop_bingo. Prompt: Sunscreen. Title stolen from a line of the song Shine by Take That. Oh, and references to quotes from Big Bang Theory and Bones. A virtual cookie if
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Comments 20
Also, I think any Doctor/Rose fangirl wants to be somebody's Rose =)
I'm glad you're enjoying it so much ♥♥♥ Thanks for commenting, hon!
I can't be impossible because I exist! I can be improbable.”
Heh, that does sound like something both Bones and Sheldon would say, although I don't remember the actual lines *gg*
Hahahaha It's a Sheldon line ;D
The actual quote:
Penny: I give up. He's impossible!
Sheldon: I can't be impossible; I exist! I think what you meant to say is, 'I give up; he's improbable'.
Thanks for commenting ;D
Thanks for this 'verse, you know, I haven't been motivated to read any D/R fic in months (it was time to move on) but this AU actually picked my interest, always had a soft spot for Ten/Rose AUs ♥
I'm flattered, seriously! There's so many Doctor/Rose new fics that are really good and my 'verse picked your interest? WOW, totally flattered =D
Really, bb! Thank you :D
“Believe me when I say that I'm not alone on this. A lot of girls would agree that being called the Rose to someone's Doctor is the most romantic thing they can hear.”
... is just pure love. I love how she's narrating their alt!story back to him and how she finds it so romantic, and in true Doctor form he is completely clueless XD
Do you mind if I friend you? I've certainly been spending enough time on your LJ postings for the past few weeks ... XD
Of course it's okay =D I love to make new friends ^^
Wow since I started this 'verse I got so many new friends XD
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