One of the questions that guys ask me the most is "What the hell does a girl want?!" Well, guys, believe it or not we're all quite simple.
The problem is, you have to find the exact ammount of qualities (or as some Phylosophers call them, the virtues) for each girl.
You know how they say women always go for the bad guy? Well, it's utter bullshit. What attracts us from them is the mystery element, and the adventure-promising personalities. We want a man that can protect us, but that also has a soft inside that he only shows rarely, and we are the privileged ones to know that it's in there. We don't want a kitten murderer, but an animal lover who rides a motorbike with a leather jacket.
We want a guy who is funny and can keep up with our smart remarks. We want one who understands when certain jokes are not acceptable, or when something is not supposed to be joked about.
We want a guy who understands us and knows us almost to the core, but who can still be surprised by us, and viceversa. He needs to be a good listener and, once in a while, ask us how our day was or remember something that happened between the two a long time ago and makes him smile, or, why not?, get back home with a silly little present or leave you a simple note.
NOW, about the notes and presents: They are beautiful, but don't overdo them. A post-it on the fridge or locker saying "I love you, pookie" is more than enough. And never after a fight if you haven't apologized before. As for presents, why on Earth would we want a giant bear that takes up half our room? A simple and smaller teddy bear is enough, or maybe a single flower. If you have the money to do so, jewelry is okay, but not too much or we'll start thinking we're your whores. We want to feel like you think about us during the time we're not together.
A text message saying "I miss you" is one that can make us grin like an idiot for HOURS on a row. Same with "I love you" or stuff equally sweet and simple. Huge bouquets, unless you're proposing, it's an important day, or someone died, are out of the question. It's a no-go from the very starter. A more modest and normal-seized one is okay.
The problem with people in general is that no-one is alike, you may say, and I agree. BUT, we're always looking for some basic stuff that changes in importance or magnitude according to each one of us, which is what makes us different from one another.
What a guy must have to win over our hearts completely, though, is the ability to scan us and tell when we're comfortable, when they're going over the top, and when they need to improve at something. They need to be up for knowing us better and never, ever, try to change us.
That said, you'd better think of what your partner wants, and not base yourself in these rules completely. Yes, they may help you, but remember that what really matters is her and how she feels.