Aug 01, 2011 22:00

A month with nothing much to recap *lol* 3Q11 business plan is killing me D:

  1. YIPPY~ 4 days off with no plan! Went to The Melting Pot for a marathon dinner. Fondue anyone? :)

  2. Got my Walmart order~ ♥

  3. I ♥ Lazy day~ :) Started to rewatch all Harry Potter movies! #InPreparation #3Down4ToGo!
  4. Happy 4th! I hate you, late night fireworks! #PeopleDoHaveToSleepYouKnow?

  5. Back to work. All labor reports were messed up, thanks to CCL implementation on 7/1! D: Only two people in the office, I was one of them. *lol* #ExtremelyQuietDay
  6. 3Q11 Business Plan kicked off. Let the pain begin!
  7. Had to train another group's new employee for the next two week because that group was too busy with their business plan. Umm.. what about the fact that I was the only analyst in my group and had to work on our business plan too? HELLO?! >"<
  8. NKOTBSB concert! ♥ #Awesomeness

  9. Pick up my prescriptions. Went to Ikea. Napped from 5pm to 4:45am OMG My parents probably thought I was dead *lol* #SleepRules!
  10. BBQ party at my sister's~ More Harry Potter movies! #5Down2More!
  11. What a mess at the office. D: Two last HP movies done! #TheEndIsNear #Excited!
  12. Drove to Everett with my team for a 40-minute meeting (well, we took my car, but my boss drove *lol* #SpentTwoHoursOnTheRoad #110MilesTotal
  13. Decided to go to Orlando for my Labor Day week! Negotiated vacation days with my boss! :D
  14. Went to my first ever midnight premier. OMG! Didn't watch/read the news so I didn't know we had to be there HOURS in advance. Arrived at the theater around 11:30pm. Ended up sitting separately from my sister *lol*
  16. Didn't have anything planned besides my morning massage appointment so I went to see HP 7.2 again. *lol*
  17. Went shopping. Headed home with BJ's pizzas. Their bacon cheeseburger pizza was OMGSOGOOD.

  18. Business Plan. 7 Meetings. 4 Weekly reports. Gazillion system issues. All on top of one huge ass business plan. #MondayIsHell
  19. Business Plan. Tried to finalize staffing number. IE gave us weird numbers from their bottom's up staffing again. D:
  20. Business Plan. DIRECTOR: what is this Dane Cook CD on my desk? ME: *duh I left it there 3 weeks ago* DAVID COOK!!! Listen to it on your way to Portland please! DIR: ok ok Dane Cook *lol* Went to hot yoga with my boss. I thought he was about to pass about by the time we're done. XD
  21. Business Plan. Weeding.
  22. Business Plan. Team lunch at Red Robin. I loved their crispy chicken tender salad~ More Business Plan. #WHATISMYLIFE?! D: Booked my trip to FL!
  23. Saw The Amazing Spiderman trailer. Goodbye to the Girl should be the OST *lol* Oh Andrew Garfield ♥ And Captain America; The First Avenger was good! Scene from the next movie looked awesome too!

  24. Had a weird dream about DCook, cooking and lime juice *lolz* Got my monthly haircut~ My Vietnamese gay stylist greeted me: Sara, did you know David Archuleta was in Vietnamm?! I was so bummed he didn't sing Apologize!! ME: *LOLZ FOREVER*

  25. Deadline for final Business Plan input. Spent 12 hours at the office. My boss and I were practically dead by the time we reached our cars at 7pm. T__T And why haven't I got my David Archuleta CD yet?! >_<"
  26. 3Q11 Business Plan Finance-to-Finance review. Normally I'd attend about 2 hours of this meeting which was painful enough. This quarter, thanks to Skill Team, they signed me up for Follow the Flow process. In short, I had to sit in that room for 9 friggin' hours. PAINFUL.
  27. On loan to Core Finance for this Follow the Flow thing for the next two weeks. My boss came over to visit, I told him to negotiate with them and pull me back to our group at least part-time. *lol*
  28. Playcounts from one month later. BTW, I think Fade Into Me will be an awesome duet song. :)

  29. Long Friday, spent most of my days staring at gazillion spreadsheets and fixing motherload of formulas for Core. #GoingBlind Too bad, salaried employees only get $6.50 premium for OT. If it's 1.5x, I'd be more than happy to work long hours to pay for my upcoming trip~ *lol*
  30. National Cheesecake Day! (seriously, America? *lol*). Picked up two 7" cheesecakes from The Cheesecake Factory for my friend's birthday party. Yummy!
  31. Woke up before 6am. Puked my guts out. Spent Sunday in bed. Korean BBQ + Roasted Duck + Cheesecake = Deathly Combo. D:

Food poisoning aside, life is good! :)

ps. Had about 6,000 entries to read on LJ, was I the only one who couldn't access the site?! *headdesks*
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