A month with nothing much to recap *lol* 3Q11 business plan is killing me D:
- YIPPY~ 4 days off with no plan! Went to The Melting Pot for a marathon dinner. Fondue anyone? :)
- Got my Walmart order~ ♥
- I ♥ Lazy day~ :) Started to rewatch all Harry Potter movies! #InPreparation #3Down4ToGo!
- Happy 4th! I hate you, late night fireworks! #PeopleDoHaveToSleepYouKnow?
- Back to work. All labor reports were messed up, thanks to CCL implementation on 7/1! D: Only two people in the office, I was one of them. *lol* #ExtremelyQuietDay
- 3Q11 Business Plan kicked off. Let the pain begin!
- Had to train another group's new employee for the next two week because that group was too busy with their business plan. Umm.. what about the fact that I was the only analyst in my group and had to work on our business plan too? HELLO?! >"<
- NKOTBSB concert! ♥ #Awesomeness
- Pick up my prescriptions. Went to Ikea. Napped from 5pm to 4:45am OMG My parents probably thought I was dead *lol* #SleepRules!
- BBQ party at my sister's~ More Harry Potter movies! #5Down2More!
- What a mess at the office. D: Two last HP movies done! #TheEndIsNear #Excited!
- Drove to Everett with my team for a 40-minute meeting (well, we took my car, but my boss drove *lol* #SpentTwoHoursOnTheRoad #110MilesTotal
- Decided to go to Orlando for my Labor Day week! Negotiated vacation days with my boss! :D
- Went to my first ever midnight premier. OMG! Didn't watch/read the news so I didn't know we had to be there HOURS in advance. Arrived at the theater around 11:30pm. Ended up sitting separately from my sister *lol*
- Didn't have anything planned besides my morning massage appointment so I went to see HP 7.2 again. *lol*
- Went shopping. Headed home with BJ's pizzas. Their bacon cheeseburger pizza was OMGSOGOOD.
- Business Plan. 7 Meetings. 4 Weekly reports. Gazillion system issues. All on top of one huge ass business plan. #MondayIsHell
- Business Plan. Tried to finalize staffing number. IE gave us weird numbers from their bottom's up staffing again. D:
- Business Plan. DIRECTOR: what is this Dane Cook CD on my desk? ME: *duh I left it there 3 weeks ago* DAVID COOK!!! Listen to it on your way to Portland please! DIR: ok ok Dane Cook *lol* Went to hot yoga with my boss. I thought he was about to pass about by the time we're done. XD
- Business Plan. Weeding.
- Business Plan. Team lunch at Red Robin. I loved their crispy chicken tender salad~ More Business Plan. #WHATISMYLIFE?! D: Booked my trip to FL!
- Saw The Amazing Spiderman trailer. Goodbye to the Girl should be the OST *lol* Oh Andrew Garfield ♥ And Captain America; The First Avenger was good! Scene from the next movie looked awesome too!
- Had a weird dream about DCook, cooking and lime juice *lolz* Got my monthly haircut~ My Vietnamese gay stylist greeted me: Sara, did you know David Archuleta was in Vietnamm?! I was so bummed he didn't sing Apologize!! ME: *LOLZ FOREVER*
- Deadline for final Business Plan input. Spent 12 hours at the office. My boss and I were practically dead by the time we reached our cars at 7pm. T__T And why haven't I got my David Archuleta CD yet?! >_<"
- 3Q11 Business Plan Finance-to-Finance review. Normally I'd attend about 2 hours of this meeting which was painful enough. This quarter, thanks to Skill Team, they signed me up for Follow the Flow process. In short, I had to sit in that room for 9 friggin' hours. PAINFUL.
- On loan to Core Finance for this Follow the Flow thing for the next two weeks. My boss came over to visit, I told him to negotiate with them and pull me back to our group at least part-time. *lol*
- Playcounts from one month later. BTW, I think Fade Into Me will be an awesome duet song. :)
- Long Friday, spent most of my days staring at gazillion spreadsheets and fixing motherload of formulas for Core. #GoingBlind Too bad, salaried employees only get $6.50 premium for OT. If it's 1.5x, I'd be more than happy to work long hours to pay for my upcoming trip~ *lol*
- National Cheesecake Day! (seriously, America? *lol*). Picked up two 7" cheesecakes from The Cheesecake Factory for my friend's birthday party. Yummy!
- Woke up before 6am. Puked my guts out. Spent Sunday in bed. Korean BBQ + Roasted Duck + Cheesecake = Deathly Combo. D:
Food poisoning aside, life is good! :)
ps. Had about 6,000 entries to read on LJ, was I the only one who couldn't access the site?! *headdesks*