Why do all the best toys come with £3 million price tags? I couldn't afford Canonteign (Pellew's estate, which he actually bought for Pownoll) when it was up for sale and I can't afford the Grand Turk. Grumble.
Hi, I've just joined your community, pellegrinations, and thought I'd take a look at your own LJ. It's full of stuff I'm interested in reading so I would love to add you to my flist if that's okay?
I'm so glad to hear it because I think I'm smitten. I watched the Examination thinking I would be thrilled with Denis Lawson as he's a favourite of mine. And he *was* good but Robert Lindsay was even better and I couldn't take my eyes off him every time he was on screen. I assume he isn't in the whole series though?
He's in all of them :) The first four are the best, partly because Pellew wasn't in the books the last four are based on, so they had to find a role for him. But I was smitten (with him, and with HH/EP) pretty well from the moment he announced "My name is Captain Sir Edward Pellew"!
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