I'm currently sporting a nice white bandage around my left leg and foot. Yup, I've gone and crashed into a glass table. No, seriously I did. I've ljcut-ted what I have to say about what happened 'cos it's really long winded and I just needed to get it out of my system.
On Tuesday, I'd just completed one hour of self-learn karate moves with the help of a video my friend had lent me, and since I'd not done straight one hour workouts for the last two months (@_@), I was feeling pretty dizzy. But of course, ^^ me didn't want to give up as there was about 15 mins left so I continued on until I heard it was raining outside. So I stopped, and thought I should go to the back for a drink of water first. The only way back there was stopped up by a chair, and beside it, the coffee table. I jumped over the chair, being too lazy to drag it all the way front again (^^;;), and got my drink. The dizziness had been getting worse at that time, but I thought it would return to normal fast (I have low blood pressure) so didn't give a damn about it and jumped over the chair again.
Not sure what happened then, but it had me jumping through air accompanied by a loud crash and flying glass. I landed on the floor, narrowly missing the shattered glass, and was like, what the hell just happened? No pain, nothing, and when I managed to drag myself some distance away, saw the glass and thought, Shit, mom's gonna slaughter me for this. Couldn't focus then 'cos my eyesight went really blurry and all I could see were bright white spots. Took me a few mins, sitting down on the sofa to at least focus and see what I'd injured (I thought nothing cos I didn't feel anything!) Nearly passed out when I saw bits of glass stuck in my leg. Urgh. The worst thing was the blood. I hate and have a slight phobia of seeing blood flow from my wounds (it's irrational, but yeah, that happens to me).
I somehow managed to pull out the glass, limp over the chair (yes the bloody chair!), bandage myself, and clean up the mess in like two hours, by taking breaks every few mins because I now had a horrible headache and spotty blurry eyesight. That was a most horrible experience. All I wanted was to close my eyes and go to sleep, go to sleep, but I didn't dare either ^^;; Fear of mother is so great that I had to get up and clean up.
And after that, I put in 5 mins of limping to tuition class.
Funny thing is, the horrible scolding I dreaded from my parents never came. Instead they were worried about my leg. Hm. And I still wasn't thinking about it at all. I didn't see a doctor though, self medication cos I had the damn A.Maths exam on Wed.
I've taken out the bandage today though, and I think the cuts have healed, probably... I never had a good look at them in the first place. There's two long, fairly deep slashes across my calf, and itsy blister-looking cuts in between my toes. It hurts most when I try to shower ;_;
The only thing that worries me is since then I'm having frequent headache attacks. Hope it's got nothing to do with my blood pressure. I don't want to see a doctor! Eewyuck, medicine +_+.