*jumpjump* Colvert is a nice place to go to early in the morning! No one there to kacau and membuat hal, seperti curi barang aku ! I've joined a guild, but it sucks XD Only the leader and the guy who invited me in are charming people. I'm gonna call outs for that guild though, Sha says 'Uncle Lassie' is creating a guild for all us kaki RO SMKDPians and I will so join that one. Though I hate the school itself, the people are fantastic ^_^
RO Korean Heart Surprise - I can't imagine how they got everyone to cooperate @_@
RO is getting more fascinating due to the fact I'm getting closer to my goal: Knight. Gawds, if you've never seen how 2H Quicken skill works, you've never seen the true power of knights!! okay, so J-niichan is already a bloody lvl 46 mage who started waaaay later before me in Iris server, and he doesn't want to upgrade to Wizard till lvl 50. -.- Ken's already a hunter !! @_@ I feel so out. Sha's gonna be an assassin soon too *sigh*
-a kakkoii priest walks past using the bell-skill thing on Eggrya-
: Kakkoooi ! <3 *follows the priest*
Eve: Oi..! You're supposed to be helping me kill the mole!
Me: Sorry! But... *still following the priest* he's so cute!
Eve: -___- If only my acc was a guy then you'll follow ME when I become priest (she's an aco)
Me: yeah if only... I'd steal your account then and admire myself the whole day.
Sha: last count... she was in love with assassins, wizards and then priests?!
Me: They're all lovely!
Someone's got to help me kill Magnolia in Payon Dungeon dammit. I hate that bloody poached egg that slurps up my stuff!
Oh another thing: I've begun a new character in Penril server, all of us are XD And ,i>this time, I'll become a thief! Yeah ASSASSIN!!
*drools buckets* I found lovely pics of the original sized RO characters, and boy, I love them! Someone's got to do a fanart for me of them so lovely! *drags Mei to the screen* The 2nd jobs are awesome: Female Crusader (after Knight) is soo stern looking and stuck up and... bloody hell, it's cool!
And the fact I'll be able to go full blast on RO next week Thursday after the last of Chemistry is SO tempting!