What type of controller are YOU?

Feb 03, 2010 20:13

There are five types of controlling people. Take this quiz to find out what type of controller you - or someone you know - may be and how best to deal with the behavior. You can go here for the quiz, if you want, or you can just take it on here...

Answer each of the following questions “Yes,” “Most of the Time,” “Occasionally” or “Never.”

Revenge, Vindictive
1. Have you threatened others either openly or secretly if you didn’t get your way?

Yes Most of the Time Occasionally Never

2. Have you done something either directly or indirectly to someone after remembering how they treated you in a past negotiation?

Yes Most of the Time Occasionally Never

3. Have you ever held a grudge and planned to get back at that person sometime in the future?

Yes Most of the Time Occasionally Never

Attention Getting
4. Have you name-dropped before when you were interacting with another person?

Yes Most of the Time Occasionally Never

5. Have you ever taken control of a discussion or a relationship by using your charisma or persuasiveness?

Yes Most of the Time Occasionally Never

6. Have you ever used techniques or politics to sway a group decision?

Yes Most of the Time Occasionally Never

Incompetence, Incompetent
7. Have you deliberately failed or withdrawn from a challenge to get someone else to do it for you?

Yes Most of the Time Occasionally Never

8. Have you allowed someone else to perform a task because it was good for their ego or self-confidence?

Yes Most of the Time Occasionally Never

9. Have you ever flattered someone to get them to do something that was your responsibility?

Yes Most of the Time Occasionally Never

Power Struggle, Aggressive
10. Have you taken leadership in doing a task just because you could?

Yes Most of the Time Occasionally Never

11. Have you ever become hostile and aggressive with another person because you disagreed with their method or goals?

Yes Most of the Time Occasionally Never

12. Have you ever used your I.Q., talent or sex appeal to get your way?

Yes Most of the Time Occasionally Never

Cooperation, Cooperative
13. When working with another person on a project, do you focus on the goal of the project more than on the other person’s happiness?

Yes Most of the Time Occasionally Never

14. Do you work most effectively on a team?

Yes Most of the Time Occasionally Never

15. When successful on a group project, do you like to share the credit?

Yes Most of the Time Occasionally Never

Revenge, Vindictive
This type may punish someone for not behaving the way he or she wants. This person will carry a grudge forever and will often make threats.

Scoring: Give yourself 3 points for each “Yes”, 2 points for each “Most of the Time”, and 1 point for “Occasionally”. Add items 1 through 3 for the Revenge controlling style and compare your results below:

Ranges Interpretation
6 - 9 Definite usage of this power tactic
5 - 8 Occasional usage of this power tactic
2 - 4 Very little of this power tactic
0 - 1 None of this power tactic

Attention Getting
This type takes dramatic action to get attention. He or she will control through emotions, such as sympathy or by showing off.

Scoring: Give yourself 3 points for each “Yes”, 2 points for each “Most of the Time”, and 1 point for “Occasionally”. Add items 4 through 6 for the Attention Getting controlling style and compare your results below:

Ranges Interpretation
6 - 9 Definite usage of this power tactic
5 - 8 Occasional usage of this power tactic
2 - 4 Very little of this power tactic
0 - 1 None of this power tactic

Incompetence, Incompetent

Incompetent types run and escape from the situation. He or she is willing to appear weak and withdrawn and is willing to let another person complete a task for him or her.

Scoring: Give yourself 3 points for each “Yes”, 2 points for each “Most of the Time”, and 1 point for “Occasionally”. Add items 7 through 9 for the Incompetent controlling style and compare your results below:

Ranges Interpretation
6 - 9 Definite usage of this power tactic
5 - 8 Occasional usage of this power tactic
2 - 4 Very little of this power tactic
0 - 1 None of this power tactic

Power Struggle, Aggressive

Aggressors demand, verbalize and sometimes act out to control a situation. This person will use the power of persuasion and sometimes force to control a situation.

Scoring: Give yourself 3 points for each “Yes”, 2 points for each “Most of the Time”, and 1 point for “Occasionally”. Add items 10 through 12 for the Power Struggle controlling style and compare your results below:

Ranges Interpretation
6 - 9 Definite usage of this power tactic
5 - 8 Occasional usage of this power tactic
2 - 4 Very little of this power tactic
0 - 1 None of this power tactic

Cooperation, Cooperative

This is the only healthy type of controller. This person shares the power and negotiates with his or her team or partner to get the job done. He or she focuses on goals rather on on controlling others.

Scoring: Give yourself 3 points for each “Yes”, 2 points for each “Most of the Time”, and 1 point for “Occasionally”. Add items 13 through 15 for the Cooperative controlling style and compare your results below:

Ranges Interpretation
6 - 9 Definite usage of this power tactic
5 - 8 Occasional usage of this power tactic
2 - 4 Very little of this power tactic
0 - 1 None of this power tactic

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