Nawilla Gets a Gold Crown (That's Not As Much Fun As It Sounds)

Aug 22, 2013 20:49

Today I had my first of two to three dental visits to have a permanent gold crown put on my upper right molar. Being that this is the molar just ahead of the wisdom teeth pulled out last year, it was kind of a pain in the jaw.

It also cost me $1075 before any insurance reimbursement. Here's hoping for dental coverage. But the Dr. G recommended gold because it's more permanent and long-lasting than other options and since the tooth is so far back, no one will see it unless . . . well probably unless they are some sort of medical person inspecting my mouth.

The drilling part didn't hurt (and about 5 minutes in I remembered why. This tooth has had a root canal, so if it hurt, someone did something wrong). What hurt was holding my mouth open (even with the brace), having my lip held open wide to accommodate the dentist and assistant, and having the gum line pushed down to accommodate the work. They took three molds of my teeth, the last one to make a temporary crown, and the polymer used in that last one tasted terrible. It tasted the way nail polish remover smells.

The upside of the being the last patient of the day (and luck) was that instead of getting to sort of watch The Doctors or the last hour of Today as is usually on when I get my teeth cleaned, they had the SyFy channel on instead. And yes, it was definitely SyFy, not 'sci-fi,' and it was apparently 'Shark Week' on 'SyFy.' And it was hilarious.

Dr G: do you want me to change it?
Nawilla: no, the science is so bad it's hilarious.

Dr. G: (coming back from another patient) Still watching the sharks?
Nawilla: (only slightly slurred by novocaine) You missed the best part. The giant shark jumped out of the water and pulled down the fighter plane.
Dr. G: Oh you should have called me in.
Nawilla: It was great.
Dr. G: We could hear you laughing in the other room.

Seriously, who needs nitrous oxide when you have the SyFy channel?

Best line of dialogue: "That's one big ass shark."

Best character name: Kat Fisch (with lots of catfish jokes).

Most bizarre piece of casting: Carmen Electra in Two-Headed Shark Attack, during which she inexplicably sunbathed on the deck while the entire rest of the cast got lost on the mystery atoll, tried to stop the boat from taking on water, or got eaten by the Two-headed shark while doing underwater welding.

I don't know about you, but I'm definitely requesting the mouth brace AND SyFy channel during my next visit.

syfy, shark, dentist

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