Summer Camp!

Jun 30, 2017 22:13

Hello All,

I'm actually trying to do Camp NaNoWriMo this month (starting at midnight) due to circumstances beyond my control. So, this past May my house was broken into. Three times. With a fourth attempt. They took the tv, the computer, the blue ray player, a dead dvd player, 4 wristwatches, my Marvel action figures and other items I am still trying to figure out. Did you notice the computer? Yes, they took it.

The less bad news: I had backed up my computer 14 months before, so instead of losing 8 years of fic, I lost 14 months. Which wasn't all that much considering my crazy job and the one fic I did complete was posted to AO3. However, I was about halfway through a different fic, and yup, gone.

The slightly better news: I had written it out by hand as I went along and I had emailed the outline to myself. So for Camp Nanowrimo, where you are encouraged to set your own goal, I have decided to transcribe what I wrote (AGAIN), and then try to finish this fic by the end of July. Kind of a start over and move on from the misery that was May.

Writing starts at midnight, so if any of you are in camp, see you around the campfire, I'll bring the marshmallows. And the bug spray.


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