Layout: Version 5 - Trinity (EEE) Featuring Lelouch vi Britannia, Kururugi Suzaku and C.C. of "Code Geass" Lyrics by Coldplay's "Viva la Vida" Header by nayami
I don't mind if you friend me. The warning is only for RL friends because I don't like people I know personally reading my LJ. I'm weird like that.
I do enjoy discussing stuff with you and I hope we'll be able to have more of my ranty debates. Heh, I usually only rant when I'm thoroughly pissed too. Half the time, my journal is just me gushing about my various fandoms. Black Cat will probably rule it for a while.
Drat. If only I had a steely will like yours, a lot of drama in my life could've been avoided. x__x;; I agree that RL and Online Identities ought to be kept seperate. Hopefully you won't mind me adding you. ^^
Love the layout XD Sasuke and Narutoooooo *misses them* Oh jeez I thought you unfriended me but you changed your name, you butt XDDD I like the new name though :3 ♥
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I do enjoy discussing stuff with you and I hope we'll be able to have more of my ranty debates. Heh, I usually only rant when I'm thoroughly pissed too. Half the time, my journal is just me gushing about my various fandoms. Black Cat will probably rule it for a while.
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