Ah, I think. When I get older, I will make an okay housewife =) if it ever comes to that, that is. Today, I did laundry, cleaned, and made cupcakes <3 mum helped a bit with the cupcakes since our oven is weird and old though
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I haven't checked my friends page in several days... I am now too afraid to since I know it'll go probably about 500+ entries back... so. I am going to forfeit reading the old stuff and just look at the new entries now =D
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OMG!! THERE'S AN AD FOR THE MARROW OF A BONE IN FREAKING AP!!!! (AP= american music magazine that usually features punk/rock bands)
It's like half a page, and there's an ad for Bleed the Dream above it (..it's actually an ad for Warcon lols) BUTSTILLOMG!! DIR EN GREY!!! I NOW HAVE THEM IN ALL FOUR AMERICAN MAGAZINES THEY'VE BEEN IN!!!
SOLIKE it's 6 am and if I wasn't going to this concert today I'd be going to bed right now o_o; I'm so wide awake and it's kind of scaring me a bit considering the time. It still doesn't feel real that in 15 hours I'm seeing Dir en grey live again <3