While waiting for the results of the job interview next week..I shall do this for the heck of it!
Damn, thanks to the 'waiting period' during job interview, I noticed I'm shaken with fear when I'm surrounded by foreign men in business suits.No kidding.
Peanut and Troy.Peanut was all pissed at Troy cause he came in waltzing around the autoshop like he owns the territory.And Troy gets pissed off at Peanut too, cause he loves fighting boys.
Trent and Lefty battling out what's left of their youth.
Jimmy was causing chaos in the boys dorm by throwing itching powders.The itching powders spread like a flu and everyone was battling each other thinking that the guy who got them affected was at fault.In the end, Hal got so pissed at Parker he decided to give him his manly bear-hug.
Jimmy was caught cheating on Christy with Zoe.And instead of Christy giving Jimmy the knee-balls attack, she decided to take it out on Zoe.Catfight ensues after that.
Tis' the same story as Peanut and Troy.But this time, Russell is the one waltzing in the autoshop.Hal the big-boned got so scared of Russell when Russell insulted him saying "STUPID,STUPID FACE!"
The itching powder work wonders.
Peanut and Tom's secret rendezvous? Nah.I really like the way Tom is looking when Jimmy took a picture though!
Zoe and Dan learning to get along.I think Dan said something like "Sit on this you PRICK!".Ahh, young love.
Peanut (again) and Tom.Peanut is ever so pissed at everyone who's not a Greaser trespassing the autoshop."Look who's decided to bestow us with a visit!" he says.
If you have two boyfriends instead of girlfriends,it gets more violent than a catfight.Kirby is kicking Gord's ass because he saw Jimmy kissing on Gord.A violent fight ensues with Kirby winning in the end.If you however, cheat on a boy with another girl, you'll see that guy punching the girl instead and a bunch of prefects chasing him after that.As for the opposite, the girl will either kick you or him in the crotch.Real funny stuff!
End of my random screencaps.Will probably do more random stuffs in the future updates!