Apr 17, 2007 15:26
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I know you're really just hurt and afraid,
But you pretend that nothing gets to you...
Lily rode the waves of her newfound celebrity status with ease. There were none in the castle who didn't know of her stunning and vicious attack on the betrothed of Lucius Malfoy. Even some of the Slytherins had cornered her to say how impressed they were... Of course, that was always followed by a "But I'd best warn you, Narcissa is planning something."
Such is life. One finally gains a measure of notoriety and someone wants to knock you down from your pedestal. After suffering through the warnings of five or six Slytherins, Lily started to get nervous, watching her back.
Almost to her regret, it was never Narcissa she found stalking her, but the insufferable git that the school liked to call "Potter".
Finally, one day, after he had moved to the point of walking beside her, he draped his arm around her, and really set the poor girl off.
"James Potter! Why are you following me as though you had nothing better to do in your pitiful existence? I can fully take care of myself, and even if I couldn't, I have enough friends that I would be protected."
"Like who," James asked softly, twirling one perfect curl of red hair around his finger?
"Stop that!" Lily spat the words at him, and was met with that trademark Potter grin, which was nearly as well known as the Malfoy smirk.
"Fine, but you'll have to tell me who first."
"Really?" James looked at the beautiful red-head in admiration. Her loyalty was unwavering, even to the creep that was Severus Snape. Yet even at the same time, his admiration was mixed with frustration. "Even still? Even now that he has new friends, new alliances? Do you even know where he goes late at night? What he has pledged his allegiance to? Do you know who all his new friends are? What are you going to do when he turns his back on you?"
He stopped and looked at her, her green eyes glinting with a fierceness that he had never seen... Not to that extent...
Sighing, he shook his head. "Whatever, Lily. Believe what you have to. It's not my place to burst your little bubble."
With that, he stalked off, leaving Lily to her own thoughts, and the fierce desire she had to hex him, or Severus... At this point, she wasn't entirely sure which.
Severus, meanwhile, was caught in confusion and indecision as well. He had specific orders from his Lord.
Get rid of that Mudblood, Severus. You needn't dispose of her, but you MUST stop her from being around you all the time. She has dirty blood... And you are pledged to help heal this world. How can you do such a thing if your own life is being plagued by the disease of mudblood? You must be healthy yourself before you can heal others. And there are so many to heal. You must find a way to keep her from tainting you... From keeping you from power...
Severus shook his head. How could he hurt the only girl that he's ever had a real conversation with? Who had helped him stick up for himself against members of her own house.
But she was ill. She couldn't be good for him to be around if she was sick... How could he explain it to her?
And somewhere in the castle, a young, beautiful, blonde added a couple black hairs to a bubbling potion, pinched her nose, and drank the whole thing.
Narcissa Black moved to a mirror and smiled the smile of Severus Snape.
lily evans,
james potter,
severus snape,