You: No Niko don't tell us you've jumped on the band wagon and done this meme that everyone else is doing.
Me: Only if the bandwagon is your mama
20 Years Ago, I...
1) Was putting jumpers in cakes
2) Was falling into the sea
3) Getting half my face ripped off
15 Years Ago, I...
1) Moving to New Zealand
2) Not sharing my ice cream
3) Being a complete geek
10 Years Ago, I...
1) Still a geek
2) Wondering about losing my virginity
3) Starting high school
5 Years Ago, I...
1) Started being a slut (again)
2) Turned 18, although no one has asked me for my ID ever really
3) Was conned into growing my goatee and 'stash.
2 Years Ago, I...
1) had a very nice personal 21st
2) was stressing out over uni
3) Kinda being slutty before tripping over and the long road of hedonism
1 Year Ago, I...
1) got my first actual job, ahhh the first step on the corporate ladder
2) found out how to con people into cleaning
3) rediscovered body image
So far this year, I've...
1) managed to get something close to my dream job
2) moved into my very own place
3) FINALLY graduated
Yesterday, I...
1) had interesting ice cream and really nice baked goods
2) had some friends come over and we were geeky together, mmmm hot hot geeky love
3) had a nice virtual wolf whistle from someone I never expected it from and decided to start swimming regularly
Today, I...
1) went to work, ahhh the joy of getting paid to do this.
2) am going to go for a nice swim with Gayvid, then dinner at the parentals
3) will finish filling this in (always good to have goals)
Tomorrow, I'll...
1) hopefully go for another swim
2) Spend another day at work, relaxing and protecting the call centers of the world.
3) get diagnosed with lupus