I think I'll start by showing you guys some of my favorite fanvids. I've been in a Lost mood, so these are all gonna be for Lost. XD
These first few are from my favorite Lost fanvid maker littletonpace. She's amazing! If you like Lost, you should definitely check out her fanvids. She makes vids for different pairing, but she generally includes Claire.
This first one is one of my favorites. I cry every time...geez, I'm such a sap! I still miss Charlie. This is a PB&J (Charlie/Claire) vid. It is beautiful. :-) The premise is that after Charlie has died, Claire goes into a deep depression and starts seeing him everywhere.
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This is also from littletonpace. It's a PB&J vid too. I just think it's really sweet. :-)
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And this is the last littletonpace vid. It's a ConMama (Sawyer/Claire) vid. Seriously, I never thought I'd go for this pairing until I started watching her vids.
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This one is just funny. It's the best Brokeback Island vid I've ever seen! I nearly died laughing the first time I saw it.
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This is a Sawyer vid:
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This is a Kate vid:
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Hope you enjoyed them. :-)