First off, let me just say that so many years ago, about 6-8th grade my friend Julie and maybe even Kandice introduced me to a band called Good Charlotte. For years, I had listened to them on and off, I had always liked their music and would buy the new CD when it came out. Needless to say, my dad wasn’t a big fan of their music, my dad only liked 2 songs. One of them was ‘Hold On,’ if you heard it, you will know why and the second one was ‘Girls & Boys,’ he just thought this song was a hilarious song and the video made him laugh even more, he thought it was funny because it said ‘Girls don’t like boys, girls like cars and money…’ As for my sister, she kind of liked their music, she would listen to them with me and she didn’t really care what we listened to, we are the type of people that would give anyone a chance, besides Justin Bieber….
I had Good Charlotte on my iPod for years, I listened to them just as much as I listened to my iPod, and occasionally on CD when I was driving, but they never died out like some of the bands or songs I like. I tend to relate to their music and their music touches me in different areas and aspects of my life. They always tend to hit the one chord with me that makes me really analysis my life, it seems like they understand what I’m going through, and its good music to really rock out to. I tend to be the one that enjoyed their music the most, but my sister didn’t mind them, she rocked out too, trust me. Last fall, my sister took me to see Good Charlotte perform on Lopez Tonight, it was a disaster but yet AWESOME! Apparently, I didn’t do a blog about it because I’m a giant moron…..
At Lopez, my sister has a messed up knee, it’s a long and windy story that involves around this doctor that my sister and I highly dislike to say the least. Well, we had VIP tickets and with Mel (my sis) being on crutches, we got to go in early because she was ‘handicapped.’ So, if you see someone on crutches and tells you ‘I can’t bend my knee,’ where would you seat them? I would seat them somewhere where they won’t have to bend their knee. I totally understood putting the guy that was in a wheel chair in the front, nothing wrong with that because honestly they had no where else to put him. They put Mel and I in the first row of the bleachers, RIGHT where the camera men would be running by and up and down the stairs beside us, we were told that we had to keep our legs bent to prevent from tripping the camera men along with keeping them out of the stairway because of fire hazards, wtf?
Not only that, then Mel and I slid her crutches underneath/behind our legs so we could keep them nearby. The employee came over and said that it was against fire code, they had to either take them and put them somewhere away and bring them back after the show or we had to put them behind our seats in front of the feet of the people in the row behind us, how is that not fire code regulations? And what if THERE is a fire, how would she get out if we give them the crutches? We were getting pissed, then they bitched because Mel extended her leg out into the stair well, we were like ‘She can’t bend her leg…’ then we saw people with numbers in the 300s get seated in the VIP section behind the handicap family, so how is that far? How does someone with a 300 number get a VIP seat but yet someone that has a VIP ticket get crappy seats? We then looked at everyone that was in the VIP sections, they were all Hispanic. I’m not racist at the most, but I like to think that is racial profiling against those that aren’t Hispanic.
We were pissed, Mel was in constant pain, we did NOT participate at all, we didn’t clap, we didn’t stand, we just sat there with arms crossed over our chest and with a mad face on. It got to the part when Good Charlotte was taking the stage, everyone got to their feet, this time we knew everyone will remain on their feet throughout the performance, I helped Mel to her feet, and I moved to stand on the other side of her helping her stand on her feet and putting a lot of weight on me for support so it won’t further injure her knee. I enjoyed the performance of ‘Like It’s Her Birthday,’ let’s be honest, I love that song and being that close to them was worth it. Mel was almost in tears from pain at this point, I felt bad but there wasn’t anything I could do, and at this point Benji had noticed, if you watch the clip you can see him always staring at the one area where we sat and about 3 minutes in, you can tell Benji told Joel, because Joel at one point walks over only to look somewhere and walks back to his microphone, rest of the performance he is looking that way as well.
We applauded because it was a great performance, Benji took his guitar off walking to the stairs in front of us, ‘Hey sweetie, you okay?’ Benji asked concerned. ‘Yeah…I’m fine…’ Mel said almost in tears. Joel at this point comes over, ‘Is she okay?’ Joel asked. ‘She has a bad knee….the whole show she had to have it bent plus standing without crutches…’ I said as I was helping Mel sit down. ‘Is she going to be okay?’ Benji asked. ‘Yeah….we’re waiting on the doctors….’ Mel said. ‘Thank you for coming….’ Joel said smiling as Benji smiled as well, they were loving Mel being there with an injury and loving me for being a nice sister, or I can be making up this shit about them liking me, but it was so cute that they were worried. They walked over to George telling him and pointed at us, George was pissed. Joel and Benji walked him over to us, they waved at us with big smiles. ‘You injured?’ George asked. ‘Yeah….my knee is messed up.’ Mel said. ‘Where are your crutches?’ He asked. ‘They made us put them behind us because of fire codes.’ I said as George looked furious, he called all the PA’s over and yelled at them, after that they were all being nice to us.
Anyways, onto this past Saturday….Mel had work and we both had a meeting for a music video that we are both crew on. Mel accidently found out about Good Charlotte’s performance at the House of Blues, I didn’t know that they were on tour for Cardiology in the US yet so I didn’t really look. Mel and I were eerie on if we wanted to go, we were worried about the money issue and we figured we would wait and see what happens. We got up early showering, yes you need to know this because if there is a chance to meet or see a member of Good Charlotte, particularly one of the Madden brothers I am going to be clean and smelling good, just saying. We packed a bag of things to freshen up and a set of clothes for Mel to change into after work, I was going to hang around her work until she got off because it would have been stupid for me to take the metro home because by the time I got home she would just be getting to Lancaster herself or leaving work, it didn’t really seem smart.
After Mel got off work, we decided just to go through with it. We went to the bank depositing Mel’s checks and taking money out because we weren’t sure if the venue would accept a credit card as payment for tickets. We parked about two blocks away, which was stupid on our parts, one of us with a knee problem and the other one wearing boots. Mel has the knee problem, but I had shattered my growth plate in the one knee so sometimes my knee does get sore under certain circumstances. In those heels, the other knee was getting sore from doing all the work as the one with the growth plate was sore when I was going up and down stairs and/or hills, we were both suffering at some point, we didn’t care though….we went over to the venue and was able to buy 2 tickets from a scalper. God, do I love those scalpers sometimes….I know that its bad but you know I love them sometimes…..
We went in thinking we were going to miss some of the concert because we got there about 8:30, come to find out we got there before Good Charlotte even came on stage, Forever the Sickest Kids were still on stage. I’m not going to lie, Forever the Sickest Kids were good, I didn’t see the other opening act but they were pretty good and I could see why they are on tour with Good Charlotte. Mel and I were standing beside the roped off VIP area, the guy in the VIP area was getting pissed because I would lean into the VIP area to take pictures because of the pole in front of me, he left after they performed and we ended up moving to the other side of the pole and it was better to capture photos….well sorta….the lights were killer, Good Charlotte was bouncing around and me having a new camera, I was trying to find the happy medium so there isn’t very many good pictures but the videos were great!
Anyways, we became friends with the couple beside us because we kept bumping into them every time we moved for the people that had to walk in the walk way beside us, yeah it sucked that we were next to a walkway but it was a great spot, we would of done the pit if I wasn’t taking pictures, Mel’s knee was better and I wasn’t in boots. Mel and I each bought purple Good Charlotte bands, I USED to have a shirt but I got rid of it because I wasn’t wearing it as much as I wanted or should have been wearing it, now I’m sadden, but now I have a bracelet that I haven’t took off since the concert, besides when I showered….
Mel really had to go potty, so she left to use the bathroom, the couple beside us helped me hold her spot and then when she returned she told me about how she had to squat over the toilet because the person in front of her vomited on the toilet seat, but by that time the concert had already started. When the guy went to get drinks, we would hold his spot as well. There was a mother there with her daughter who was about 13 and her son who was a teenager, the son was there for Good Charlotte and the daughter was there for Forever the Sickest Kids, the daughter was complaining and running around the bar because she was bored. I wasn’t letting them ruin my time….I was enjoying the concert, and soon enough the people in front of me moved so I could scoot forward more.
Mel and I agreed that we BOTH loved the interaction between Joel and Benji, those two together reminded us SO much of our interaction. Our favorite was when Joel jumped out into the crowd he felt the urge to rub some guy’s head, after the song he apologized for rubbing the guy’s head but he just had the urge to rub it, and Benji said ‘Joel, you don’t rub my head.’ Then Joel walked over rubbing his head, which was classic! At one time, they were talking about that weekend, Benji brought up that the one guy from FTSK is going to be staying the night at his house in the guest room, and the guest room was the left side of his bed, which I’m like I would be willing to stay in the guest room….then they were talking about LA, Joel said ‘LA ruined Benji’s life…’ ‘Yeah, LA ruined my life, I hate you guys…’ Benji said as he smiled and laughed at himself. Joel and Benji were fighting over what song to sing next, ‘I am the singer, I’m going to sing this song (I don’t remember what two songs they were fighting over at this moment).’ ‘Well, you can sing that song, but I have the guitar and I’m going to be playing this song.’ Benji said. ‘You win…’ Joel said. At the beginning of the concert, Benji put his microphone stand taller than him and moved the microphone to where it was aiming down at his mouth. ‘I like to make the microphone taller to make me look taller…it makes me feel taller…’ Benji said. ‘Benji, it doesn’t make you look taller, it makes you look stupid.’ Joel said. ‘Ouch…’ Benji said making the microphone stand shorter. And at another point Joel was teasing Benji about something, Benji said ‘Joel, I got a message from your wife….’ ‘What?’ Joel asked. ‘She said shut up!’ I just loved their interactions, those remarks are Mel and I to a tee!
Throughout the concert, I started to noticed that Benji kept looking at Mel and I, I honestly didn’t think he could see that far into the House of Blues, but apparently Mel said it was pretty lit and it was lit enough where they could probably see pretty far into the crowd. Benji probably could see pretty far considering he pointed out this kid that was probably 11-12 years old wearing a Good Charlotte shirt, he said ‘It’s cool to see a kid that is 11 years old wearing a Good Charlotte shirt…’ That kid was like no more than two people in front of us if that, but I have video of it where I pan over to Benji and it looks as if he is staring RIGHT at me, like I noticed it but not as much as I did until I got into the car and talked to Mel about it. Mel and I were head-banging along, and after the show our necks were stiff, we usually aren’t head bangers but that night we were.
It was funny because at one point Mel asked me ‘Have they played ‘Like It’s Her Birthday?’ And I turned to her saying, ‘No, not yet….’ The VERY next song was ‘Like It’s Her Birthday,’ then we thought that was eerie enough but a few song’s later they were playing a lot of my jams, I turned to Mel and I was like ‘I hope they play Motivation Proclamation,’ and guess what the next song was? Motivation Proclamation. After the concert, Mel and I were talking about how eerie that was, Mel said ‘How funny would it be that Benji was reading our lips and that is why they played them?’ I like to think maybe it was just my imaginary about Benji staring at us but I can’t get passed the photos and/or videos of him looking in our area, maybe he wasn’t staring right at us? Maybe he was looking at the boy in front of us and it just seemed like us because we were so close to that boy. And at one point, when they went to do ‘I Just Wanna Live’ Benji fucked up the beginning, I turned to Mel and both at the same time said ‘Benji fucked up…’
I will say this, I thought this concert was great, they played a lot more older songs which was nice but they did play a few new songs as well. It was nice to hear them sing Emotionless, and Hold On, I wouldn’t have thought they would sing them but I guess they are more popular than I thought. I must add that they are hotter in person, Mel is slowly falling for Benji, she likes Joel too but she is leaning towards Benji more, which I don’t blame her. Joel is my absolute favorite but Benji is creeping up there, I lie, I love them both. Benji song Emotionless by himself, he said ‘I don’t know why I’m singing, God granted my brother with this talent….’ Or something along those lines, quite honestly I love his voice too, Joel is good a singer no doubt but Benji is just as good!
I know there wasn’t much about the concert but it was awesome! Plain and simple! AND, if you watch the video clips below, watch ‘Hold On’ and tell me if 15 seconds in if Benji looks like he’s looking at the camera…