General Update With Link to a Rant

Jun 03, 2011 17:12

Most of you probably don't care but just generally updating this since I've haven't posted in a while.

1) TODAY IS THE LAST DAY OF MY SEMESTER! I took my last final today, luckily in that class even if I get a 40% on the final I pass the class, but since it's a pre-requisite I don't know if they go by that....I'm just more excited I'm OUT for summer! I shall dance in excitement! *dances*

2) Tomorrow, my sister and I are going to Bakersfield to buy tickets to a WWE event in August, we are HOPING to get front row. *crosses fingers*

3) I can NOT wait until I get my grades, I'm SO impatient and want to know if I passed or failed, why can't it be like high school where you can find out on the last day of school so you knew what your report card in the mail said.

4) My sister has a doctors appointment on the 13th to see when she will need to get surgery done, we are hoping it can wait until after my birthday at least, we are hoping it won't be until mid-July.

5) I got my registration date for fall, it's June 28th at 7 AM. Yeah, I hate mornings and I know I'm going to hate being up that early but I NEED to get the classes I need especially with the way they are cutting classes and such.

6) My sister and I are trying to lose weight, right now I'm at 12 pounds lost. We weigh in tonight so it may be more or less than that, but I NEED to lose 3 more pounds in a month to reach my goal, you want to know why a month?

7) It's a month because....A MONTH FROM TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY! I will be turning 22 years old, I'm getting old people! BUT my sister is taking me to a concert and we bought VIP passes to meet my favorite band of the two, they bring me back to my younger years so I feel like a little girl again, which is nice. If you don't know, we bought 3rd row floor seats to the NKOTBSB concert that is on my actual birthday in Vegas so it will truly be an epic birthday. I'm slowly getting excited but yet I'm nervous, worried, scared and many other emotions. I think it doesn't me as much right now but as it gets closer and closer day by day it gets stronger little by little.

8) Anyways, for those that are going to attend the NKOTBSB concerts please follow the link to a little message to all of those. P.S. Please don't get offended, I'm just stating the obvious and totally serious on some level. Attention ALL NKOTBSB Fans, Read This!

college life

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