Day 25 | Your day, in great detail

Feb 26, 2010 00:35

My day.

I intended to wake up about 9:30 or 10am. This would be rare for me, as I usually wake up around 12:30 or 1pm. But yesterday, I operated on 3 hours of sleep for a full work day, got out and took a 90 minute nap, then went and saw Shutter Island with Greg. (I liked it.) So anyway, I crashed early and hard last night, around 12:30am. I meant to sleep 8-10 hours and wake up early enough to get a lot of writing done, and a few other things, as I didn't have to get to work until 4pm today.

I woke up at 9:30 and slammed my alarm. I slept another two hours, tried to make myself get up. Went out into the kitchen, talked to my roommate for a second. Ate some cereal and drank some OJ. But I was still feeling weak and tired, and started to think that maybe I was getting sick. So I laid back down and slept until 2:30 or 3pm. Then I made some coffee to go in the coffee press that my mother gave me for my birthday, a really classy all-metal number that I like very much. I watched a bit of the movie Up! from the kitchen, talked to Jamie for a minute, then went to work about 3:40. I listened to Social Distortion in the car. My car is still missing half its face from an accident a couple years back. I've grown accustomed to it, and don't have the money to get it patched up, anyway.

It takes 10 minutes to get to work normally. But today was a Velvet Sessions concert, so we were forbidden to park on property. Had to park in Citywalk like everyone else.

So I get to Citywalk around 4:50 and powerwalk over the hotel. I clock in around 4:05.

Then I worked. I don't really want to write about working, since work isn't really a pleasant thing to do, much less relive through writing about it. Needless to say, I got dirty and felt responsible for things, and went through some routine red-tapey corporate stuff with a fake smile and tried to offer real smiles around to coworkers where I could, especially to a couple of the cute girls that work in the bar. My boss is mad cool, so this also helps.

As I said, tonight was a Velvet Sessions concert. This is something we do on the last Thursday of every month, where the hotel hires a "Where are they now?" type of band to play the lobby. Admission is cheap, and your ticket gets you free houre'derves (I'm not bothering to look up the proper spelling) and free booze, all that you want. So people get SHIT FACED. Tonight, the band was Flock of Seagulls, who you might remember from this song, and no other songs. They were actually pretty decent, definitely not the worst band I've heard play one of these things, but the turnout was abysmal.

We got paid tonight, so I filled up my gas tank on the way home.

I got back and Greg was watching Batman The Animated Series with his buddy, Rick, who is currently sleeping in Greg's room (Greg is on the couch, don't get excited...he's taking the guy to the airport in the morning.) Rick is a movie buff and generally of a similar-but-not-exactly-the-same mind on things cinematic, so it's always good talking to him about flicks. I ate some chili and drank iced tea. I decided to watch the rest of Up!, since Greg wanted to watch something he'd seen before to pass out on the couch, and I still hadn't seen the whole movie. He conked out and I watched.

Jamie came home, sat down and watched some of the movie with me. Told me the guy who played Checkov on Star Trek's son had killed himself. I did not care. I don't even like Anton Checkov, let along Checkov from Star Trek, let alone the actor playing Checkov, let alone his son.

We got to talking about this girl we both know, someone I met working on a show, who knows Jamie from way back. I had talked to her recently on Facebook, and was gonna maybe try and meet up with her soon, as I kinda had a crush on her back when. So then Jamie says that they used to date like 8 years ago, and that they had just hung out and caught up the other night. So that took the wind outta my sails on that front, since she's probably interested in him. Oh well.

I have a new system worked out for making progress on some things. It basically goes like this - there's certain things I do twice a week (each day having an assigned thing,) so that I can gradually work on a number of things. Concurrently, my static activties are qigong/gongfu and writing, which I do every day. At the end of the week, I get a reward day, where I am responsible for nothing and get to engage in all the hedonism I can carry off. BUT, if I fuck up and miss a day for some reason, then my reward day gets pushed back one day. This is my stick/carrot bit.

So I meant to do something earlier in the day, when I was supposed to wake up, but I didn't hae time because I slept all day until work.

So now it's about time to go to sleep. I went out prior to writing this and did my qigong. This is kind of writing, enough that I'd give myself a pass for the day. The only thing I've gotta do is knock out some push-ups and go to bed (Thursdays are for running and push-ups, but I'm not going running right now. Establishing the routine is the important thing, anyway.)

Anyway, I should just knock 'em out and go to bed. I am pretty tired. But I've been distracting myself with 4chan and Shounen Jump raws and Facebook and, well, this. This is why I try and knock everything except my writing out first thing in the "morning" if I can. I write better at night, so I leave that for later.

Up! was fucking great, by the way. And I still don't know what made me so low-energy, other than not getting enough sleep the day before. I wasn't even being actively lazy, it felt like something was wrong with me this morning.

And now I'm kind of pissed off. Partially because my laptop seems to have picked up a Trojan that SpyBot won't kill, and partially because I feel cockblocked by my roommate, and partially because I'm disappointed in myself for not having gotten more accomplished, both in the microcosm of the day and the macrocosm of the life. Another day in motherfucking paradise.
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