Theme: Before They Were In D.C.
What is included in this theme?
Stories centered around characters that were introduced after the start of the show, but prior to their first appearance in the show such as Ziva David(Kill Ari), Director Jenny Shepard(Kill Ari), Director Leon Vance(Internal Affairs), and other minor characters.
What not to include: Any main character introduced in Yankee White (Gibbs, Tony, Kate, Ducky or Abby) or Tim McGee as there are separate list under the theme PreSeries for all of them either separately or together.
Blondie by taylorgibbs
Summary: She was his could have been
Complete, HET, Vance/Paula Cassidy
Cairo by skripka
Summary:She's not sure why she's doing this, other than it feels easy.
Complete, FemSlash, Ziva/Jenny
Learning How to Live, prologue,
Ch. 1,
Ch. 2,
Ch. 3,
Epilogue by Monica
Summary: Ziva has learned to kill, now she needs to learn how to live
Complete, GEN
If you know of a story you think fits the theme please leave a comment.
Please keep in mind that all stories must be well written with decent grammar, be more than 500 words, complete or if a WIP well underway.
Make sure you include the following: Title, Author, Link, Summary, Complete/WIP, GEN, Slash, or HET(pairing between main chars), any Pairing if slash or het.