Theme: Abilities Sub-Theme: Shapeshifter
What is in this list?
Stories in which a member of the cast shapeshifts, either voluntarily or involuntarily
This includes Werewolf stories and any non-human stories in which the character can shift from 'human' to 'non-human'
"Emetib" by Ceindreadh (PG13 gen)
Summary: Tony is bitten by a werewolf in the course of an investigation, and goes to Gibbs' worried that he'll turn into some sort of monster. However, things turn out a little differently.
Complete, AU, GEN
'Mikey: The Undercover Cat'
Summary: Tony decides to take advantage of his new animal state with the help of Abby.
Cat Show 2.
Cat Undercover 3.
Feline Confidential 4.
The Incident at Harry's Place 5.
New FriendsComplete, GEN, AU
'Abbeycat' series by rebecca
Summary: Abbey has an unusual way to keep boredom at bay, which is accidentally discovered at work by Tony.
Complete, GEN,AU
Auribus teneo lupum by Henchgirl
Summary:Tony has a problem. It wasn't a problem BEFORE, but now that Gibbs has returned, it is
Asgre s Awydda (Heart's Desire) by PrincessNat
Summary: Tony is cursed but in the end it turns out okay for he and Gibbs.
Complete, Slash, Tony/Gibbs, AU
Myths and Revelations by Nix
Summary: Gibbs has a secret, what will Tony do when he finds out that his Boss is not human? Centaur!Fic
Series, Slash, Tony/Gibbs
The Lonely Wolf by Nikitaclone
Summary: Tony is attacked and turned into a werewolf. Lucky for him Gibbs is already one
Complete, Slash, Tony/Gibbs
Wolf Pack Series by Tenth Muse
Summary: AU that has Gibbs, Tony, Ducky, and Kate as 'shifters'
Series, Slash, Tony/Gibbs, AU
Issums Bunny by James
Summary: The Crack!Tastic series that features WereBunny!Tony.
Complete, GEN
Definition of Home by
TriskellionSummary: Tony is a Shifter/werewolf and Gibbs finds out. Series runs parallel to NCIS starting with the aftermath of Twilight
Stories are mostly tags/missing scenes for various episodes
On Going Series, Slash, Tony/Gibbs, AU
"Hunger" by eoenkethry
Summary: Gibbs is forced to reveal his true nature to Tony after being injured chasing a suspect, Tony however knows much more than Gibbs ever suspected.
Complete, Slash, Tony/Gibbs, AU
Recruitment by
TriskellionSummary: AU that does not follow canon. What if Shannon and Kelly still lived? Gibbs isn't quite the same man, but he still wants Tony on his team.
Series, HET, Gibbs/Shannon
*NEW* November 23rd
Defining Family by
TriskellionSummary:Part of Tony's past has come back to haunt him, though it's by no means his fault. The whole pack is ready to back him up.
Complete, Slash, Gibbs/DiNozzo
Like Catnip by
Kaylashay81Summary: Gibbs indulges Tony's overactive senses when they apply to him.
Complete, Slash, Gibbs/DiNozzo
If you know of a story you think fits the theme please leave a comment.
Please keep in mind that all stories must be well written with decent grammar, be more than 500 words, complete or if a WIP well underway.
Make sure you include the following: Title, Author, Link, Summary, Complete/WIP, GEN, Slash, or HET(pairing between main chars), any Pairing if slash or het.