Theme: Episode Related Sub-Theme: Requiem (5x07)
What is in this list?
Episodes inspired by the fifth season episode 'Requiem'
These can be tags, missing scenes, AU's, anything goes as long as it is over 500 words and well written.
Post Requiem Summary: Dinozzo receives a surprise visit at home.
Complete, GEN
Burn by bananacosmicgirl
Summary:It had been two hours since he got out of the water and his lungs still burned.
Complete, Slash, Tony/Gibbs
Stormy Weather by Trivette Lover Heather
Summary:Tony takes some advice from an old friend and goes for a run that could prove deadly
Complete, GEN
Requiem's Resolution by Rather
Summary: Missing Scene/Tag for Requiem
Complete, GEN
Hidden Strength by Ella.assassin
Summary: Tag to Requiem.
Complete, SLASH
Hush Little Baby by Trivette Lover Heather
Summary: When Gibbs is released from the hospital, he goes to visit a friend.
Complete, GEN
Children of the Heart by Ragua
Summary: Postscript for Requiem.
Complete, GEN
Assessing the Risk by DeniseV
Summary: Tony's at the emergency room with Brad Pitt who insists on calling his team.
Complete, GEN
Thanks Giving by NotARedhead
Summary:“Seriously, Tony,” McGee agreed. “He’s only gonna let you get away with it a couple of times.”
Complete, GEN
Let the Future Live by aserene
Summary: Tony gets some help down at the docks and Gibbs find a reason for the future.
Complete, HET, Gibbs/Jenny
What We Leave Behind by Kayla-Shay
Summary:For some life lasts a short while, but the memories it holds last forever.
Complete, GEN
A Visit by Trivette Lover Heather
Summary: A friend comes by to visit Gibbs.
Missing Scenes to Requiem by Tweeter
Summary:.Requiem Tag
Complete, GEN
Taking Turns by DeniseV
Missing scene for the episode Requiem.
Complete, GEN
Sweet Child of Mine by Sim Spider
Summary: The rescue has some adverse effects on Tony and some positive ones on Gibbs.
Complete, GEN
Saving Gibbs by Richefic
Summary:Even unconscious, Gibbs knows what Tony needs to hear.
Complete, GEN
Lain To Rest by Ashleigh Anpilova
Summary:Gibbs realizes he needs to talk to someone about what happened.
Complete, Slash, Gibbs/Ducky
Reflections by KSL
Summary: How long was he to assume his luck would hold out? Even his life insurance salesman was rethinking what sort of policy Tony should have.
WIP, Slash, Tony/Gibbs, AU
Post Requiem Verse by Bree
Summary: Gibbs's won't be alone this night
Complete, Slash, Tony/Gibbs
If you know of a story you think fits the theme please leave a comment.
Please keep in mind that all stories must be well written with decent grammar, be more than 500 words, complete or if a WIP well underway.
Make sure you include the following: Title, Author, Link, Summary, Complete/WIP, GEN, Slash, or HET(pairing between main chars), any Pairing if slash or het.