Season: 5
Episode: #5 Leap of Faith
Hey, did anyone notice? no mention of Mann or Jeanne and even the underlying Tiva wasn't that bad. In addition we got a nice original Abby all around. First immitating Gibbs and then bursting in the lab. I loved it.
Oh, and wasn't it fun how they all wanted to be the one with the right theory?
And Tony tried to be the favourite again. Well, that's the Tony I fell in love with. Always trying to please the bossman.
And who's he yelling for when he's hanging on that wall? Not for McGee, who was with him just a minute before and not his fan Ziva. Nope, he's coming back to trust on unfailable Gibbs.
Though, I thought it was a pity that Gibbs didn't pull him up. Sure, it'll be fun to see how Tony's going to forget his promis when he's giving McGee a hard time again.
And I simply loved that scene at the shrink's office. Wasn't it fun? Tony going the way of being married and McGee getting all high-pitched-voiced?
I'm still missing the group hug I'm kinda expecting since episode 5x1 though.
But that Lady (I'm not sure what's her name. Jenny said Nicky, but the others said something else.) was really funny. Especially that Tony and Gibbs mocked her about it.