ADMIN POST: New Challenge: Marriage

Sep 12, 2005 21:19

Okay, folks. The clock has ticked over into the next day. The last challenge, "Midnight", is now officially closed.

The new challenge topic, inspired by my wedding of a week ago, is:


A marriage of minds? A marriage of souls? What happens when it goes wrong? Bonus points for making this not about one of the three redheads.

You have two weeks to write your stories and post them here. The challenge will close at midnight EST on Sunday, September 25th. (Okay, it's one day less than two weeks.)

Remember that fics may only be posted here for the duration of the challenge. Once the challenge has closed, then you may post and archive your story elsewhere. Please include the author name and story name in the subject line and put the story itself behind a cut.

Have fun!

And please, do feel welcome to suggest challenge topics in the comments to this post.

challenge: marraige, .:: admin post

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