The "Trust" challenge is now CLOSED. Thanks to all who contributed!
The new challenge (courtesy of
blueraccoon) is:
Tattoos, scars, birthmarks... Everybody's got them, even if it's from something as simple as slamming your finger in a screen door, or as complex as Abby's spiderweb tattoo. No one's unmarked, and every one tells a story. Where did Abby get the cross on her back and why? Is there a Marine tattoo hidden under Gibbs' shirt? What scars does Tony have from the broken leg in college?
You have two weeks to post your responses. This challenge will close at midnight EST on Sunday, February 26.
Remember, fics are to be posted only to this community for the duration of the challenge. Also, don't forget to format your subject line [title] by [author].
Have fun!