ADMIN POST: Anywhere Else Challenge

Jul 03, 2006 16:52

The "Music" challenge is now CLOSED. Apologies for the late post. (Oops.) Thanks very much to those of you who participated. You are now free to post your stories in other communities, archives, etc.

As always, you can find all responses to past challenges in the community memories, sorted by challenge name.


The new challenge is:


For this challenge, the majority of the story must take place anywhere OTHER than the usual series locations.

FORBIDDEN Locations: NCIS Headquarters, any of the characters' homes, DC metro area, Norfolk, Bethesda Naval Hospital, and most naval bases and ships/submarines.

BONUS Locations: You are strongly encouraged to set at least part of the story in your home town/region. If you do this, then it's permissable to use your local naval base, if there is one. Or bring them there on a case, or on vacation, or on a visit to family -- it's up to you.


You have (just under over) two weeks to post your responses. This challenge will close at midnight EST on Sunday, July 16th Tuesday, July 18th.

Remember, your contributions are to be posted only to this community for the duration of the challenge. For the convenience of your moderators, please don't forget to format your subject line [title] by [author].

Have fun!
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