Yuletide Fiction Exchange Story for Sharpiesgal

Dec 20, 2006 10:46


Title: Christmas Party
Author: Periwinkle27
Recipient's name: Sharpiesgal
Pairing: Gibbs/Ducky
Genre: established relationship
Subgenre: humor
Words: 1224
Summary: Ducky’s under the mistletoe kissing all the females. Jen’s under it too, but she only wants to kiss Gibbs.

Author's Notes: written for the following prompts Established relationship, a first meeting (ie. the Kids), case related, (un)fortunate demise of the PP, a past event relived.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan-fiction and is not for profit. I do not own the copyright on the characters.
A/N: Thanks to gunuyim_in, my beta. I made some changes later, so all mistakes are mine.

This story doesn’t quite fit the prompts, but I think you’ll enjoy it. At least I hope you do.

Christmas Party
By Periwinkle

Gibbs hated Christmas parties. Well, if he was being honest, he had to admit he hated parties of all kinds. Unfortunately, Ducky loved them and Ducky’s gregariousness more than made up for Gibbs’ surly nature. While Gibbs tended to stand in the corner glowering, Ducky would happily buttonhole as many people as he could and talk their ears off. Gibbs knew that Ducky would really shine if he could find some poor victim that had never heard his stories before, trap the unwary listener in a conversation and regale him with his erudition. Geez, thought Gibbs, I’m beginning to sound just like him.

Gibbs sighed. He desperately wanted to leave, but he didn’t want to spoil his lover’s happiness. Ducky rarely got out of Autopsy and parties let him interact with lots of people. Looking around and scanning the crowd, Gibbs located Ducky by his shining hair. The Medical Examiner was over in the doorway, talking to the Director, gesturing animatedly. Gibbs knew that Ducky didn’t have the highest opinion of Jen, the Director, but he would always talk to, or at, anyone who was willing to listen.

Gibbs smiled slightly in fond exasperation as he gazed upon the older man. Letting his eyes drift, he noticed that Ducky was standing under the mistletoe. Ducky’s choice of location was probably deliberate. While Ducky loved Gibbs and was faithful to him, he enjoyed having young women fuss over him and kiss him. He might be older, but he was still susceptible to a pretty face flirting with him. Gibbs remembered other parties where Ducky had managed to hug or kiss almost every female present. Some of that touching had definitely crossed into the “yellow zone” they had learned about in the sexual harassment seminar, although none of the females seemed to mind. After all, this was Ducky, sweet, courteous, gentlemanly Ducky. In reality, Ducky came close to what Gibbs’ generation had called “a dirty old man” but Ducky hid it well under his veneer of mild-mannered Scottish gentility. A smile, ruthlessly contained, attempted to cross Gibbs’ mouth at he remembered what all that female flattery had done to Ducky’s libido in the past. There had been some very unforgettable nights in bed. If hugging under the mistletoe brought out that sort of reaction in his partner then, hell yes, Ducky could hug as many women as he liked.

Just then Abby came flying across the room and grabbed Ducky, nearly knocking the slight man over in her enthusiasm. “Oh look, Ducky, you’re under the mistletoe!”

Ducky looked up and gave a start of surprise. Nice one, Duck, Gibbs thought, smirking. Ducky turned to Abby with a twinkle in his eye and said, “Good heavens, my dear, so I am,” and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips. In return, she gave him a violent hug, nearly knocking him over again. Gibbs noticed that McGee was standing by watching, but he didn’t appear perturbed. Apparently he didn’t view Ducky as a threat. Gibbs having been on the receiving end of numerous kisses from Ducky, thought that McGee might be in for a bit of a shock if Abby ever told him just how well Ducky could kiss. His kisses were lethal. Ducky could kiss in a manner that was just short of carnal and get away with it because he had a sixth sense about how far to take things. And Gibbs hoped Ducky would take it very, very far with him tonight. Then Abby turned, snagged McGee’s arm and pulled him over and kissed him. Very thoroughly. Ducky had apparently had his usual impact. Tony, watching, realized immediately that this was a heaven-sent opportunity for him and immediately started kissing as many females as possible. Within a minute, most of the team was giving each other gentle kisses on the cheeks, except for Ziva, who hung back unsure what to do, and Tony, who was still trying to take advantage of the situation and get some deep kissing in. Abby was currently kissing Jimmy who was alternating between looking embarrassed and trying to decide how eagerly he could participate in the kiss without Tim punching him. Gibbs had made an attempt to stay out of the crowd of kissers, but it was obvious from all of the lipstick stains on his face that Abby had attacked him.

Gazing at the group, Gibbs noticed that neither Ziva nor the Director seemed to have been kissed. He walked over to Ziva and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek, making her smile shyly. The Director, upon seeing this, announced loudly, “Why, I need someone to kiss me, too! Who wants to volunteer?” She tried to look coy, but didn’t quite succeed, probably due to the haircut.

There was a moment of dead silence, then Gibbs turned in Jen’s direction and started walking towards her. She closed her eyes and puckered up, anticipating. After a moment she realized that it was taking Gibbs an extremely long time to reach her and she opened her eyes and looked around her. To her shock, Gibbs had walked past her and placed a gentle kiss on Ducky’s mouth, who smiled at him and said “Really, Jethro, you should set a better example for the children.” Meanwhile, the Director had been left standing there, waiting for a kiss that wasn’t coming.

Jen’s mouth was hanging open in shock. Most of team was standing by quietly watching, but Gibbs figured it was the idea of him actually kissing someone, anyone, on the lips that had surprised them. He doubted that they even realized that he had kissed a man, as they were too busy trying to decide if he had made a fool of the Director and how they should react. Most of the team appeared to be trying to hide smiles, but Tony couldn’t quite manage it and Gibbs heard the beginning of a laugh until Tony more or less convincingly turned it into a cough. If Gibbs was trying to make the Director look like a fool, then from what he could see of their faces, he had succeeded.

Later that night, lying in bed with Ducky, warm bodies cocooned together, passion spent and a warm languor taking over their souls, Gibbs turned to Ducky and dropped a kiss on his shoulder. “Duck?”

”What, dearest?”

“I may revise my opinion of Christmas parties. I actually had fun at this one.”

Ducky rolled over and looked at him. “I assume that devilish glint in your eye is because you stunned Jen?”

”Oh, yeah,” Gibbs replied, emphasizing the “yeah.”

Ducky looked at him and gave him a little grin. “I don’t know if I should tell you this as you’re already gloating too much…” He broke off and waited.

As he suspected, Gibbs couldn’t let it end there. “What should you tell me Duck?” he growled.

“Well, McGee had his phone with him. He told us before you arrived that he was going to take some pictures of the party.”

“He didn’t!” Gibbs sat up and looked at Ducky.

“Oh, yes,” purred Ducky. “He got a lovely shot of her.”

Gibbs laid back down. “I definitely like Christmas parties.”

Ducky just smiled. He was wondering how Gibbs would react when he opened his Christmas present. Maybe he should buy a frame for it?

!creator: periwinkle27, fiction, yuletide gift exchange 2006, challenge 12

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