Title: The Clapping Song (DL and notes) Vidder: LithiumDoll Music: The Belle Stars Spoilers: Clips used from all seasons Plot: Celebrating 5 years of "inappropriate touching" on NCIS
eeeeh, how awesome is that - you made an ncis vid (i loove your vids, as you may remember) !! what is it with the ncis love lately, it's just brilliant, yay. there were few ncis vidders, and now you & wistful_fever both made one and newkidfan created this comm (and will maybe make a vid as well), *happy sigh* vidding life's just great at the moment...
erm, yes. back to the actual vid, now that the other babble is out if the way. and excuse me while i pause again, cause now i have to *squeeee* i so love this - it captures the lighthearted & fast paced mood of the show perfectly, and it also shows the fun and rivalry the team has - just awesome! (god, i adore the head- and other bodyparts-slapping, *giggles*)
i can never pinpoint exactly why i love your editing so much - it just seems to flow so naturally, the motion and clip choice and everything just fits together so perfectly - and it captures me every single time...
Your enthusiasm is made of awesome, and warms my heart. Now, I want to confirm that I will make an NCIS vid for sure. It's just a matter of when... since, as I already told you, I'm probably the slowest vidder, ever --I mean I have a vid in the works which I have been working on for almost four freaking years and I'm still not satisfied. Anyway, I'm itching to vid outside Stargate, and I think NCIS will be it. *g*
To LithiumDoll... her comment is so much more eloquent than mine, and I agree wholeheartedly. Your editing flows seamlessly.
um, heh. yes, i really love ncis & i always get soo excited if someone i know is an excellent vidder makes a vid about something i adore... (you should see me whenever obsessive24 posts a vid, *g*)
& yay! for your ncis vid, *bounces* don't worry i can wait, i'm very patient (eh, not really) - and i know your vids are awesome, so slow vidding must be a good thing (although 4 years is really a long time, you must have one hell of a foucs to keep working on one thing for so long). and anyway, if it goes on like this soon the whole vidding!fandom will be converted to making ncis vids - *bounces some more* & wouldn't that be awesome...
Heeee, thank you so much! I'm glad it was enjoyed :) I'll probably end up doing another vid for the drahma side, just so I yin and yang it *g* I was totally surprised to find an NCIS vid comm but it's fantabulous it's here, NCIS vids \o/
what a great video !!! i love the editing and the theme you chose lol love the claps ! that's great to watch a good quality ncis vid :D Please do more ncis videos :)
Comments 14
erm, yes. back to the actual vid, now that the other babble is out if the way. and excuse me while i pause again, cause now i have to *squeeee* i so love this - it captures the lighthearted & fast paced mood of the show perfectly, and it also shows the fun and rivalry the team has - just awesome! (god, i adore the head- and other bodyparts-slapping, *giggles*)
i can never pinpoint exactly why i love your editing so much - it just seems to flow so naturally, the motion and clip choice and everything just fits together so perfectly - and it captures me every single time...
*off to watch again*
To LithiumDoll... her comment is so much more eloquent than mine, and I agree wholeheartedly. Your editing flows seamlessly.
& yay! for your ncis vid, *bounces* don't worry i can wait, i'm very patient (eh, not really) - and i know your vids are awesome, so slow vidding must be a good thing (although 4 years is really a long time, you must have one hell of a foucs to keep working on one thing for so long). and anyway, if it goes on like this soon the whole vidding!fandom will be converted to making ncis vids - *bounces some more* & wouldn't that be awesome...
I really enjoyed watching it. Their inappropriate touching never fails to put a smile on my face.
Please do more ncis videos :)
Is the vid available for download anywhere? I'd love to be able to watch even if I'm netless (it happens!)
Oh, wait. I'm an idiot, aren't I? *slaps self*
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