Marine Down Transcripts

May 10, 2006 15:31

Marine Down Transcripts

MARINE WIFE: They won't even tell Sarah how he died.
O'DONNELL: I'm sure his commander had a good reason.
MARINE WIFE: Maybe. But if it was my husband, I'd want to know.
O'DONNELL: I still can't believe Jim's dead. It's almost like he's...standing here with us.
MARINE WIFE: How's Sarah handling it?

SARAH: Kidwell residence. Hello? Who is this?
TELEPHONE: (staticky) It's Jim...please...
PHONE: Sarah? Sarah? It's Jim. I'm not - I'm not dead!

LOUDSPEAKER: Shooters at the ready position
TONY: Nervous, Kate?
KATE: Shaking.
LISA: Cease fire, cease fire, clear and lock all weapons. All locked-down shooters check your targets.
KATE: You nervous, Tony?
TONY: Nice tactical reload. You only got your guy twice, I win.
KATE: What are you talking about, you shot the hostage's ear off!
TONY: She'll live.
KATE: Yeah. Without an ear.
GIBBS: Not bad. both of you, not bad. Of course, these targets don't shoot back.
KATE: That must be next week.
GIBBS: Kate, I think you're holding back. Shoot with confidence. Relax your shoulders. Tony - that's a nice grouping.
TONY: So I win.
GIBBS: Oh, we're just getting warmed up. Gimme your cover.
TONY: What for?...right. Oh - come on, boss, I've been breaking that cap in for three months, I love that cap!
KATE: Then don't shoot it.
GIBBS: Did you back this up?
KATE: Oh - no, no, no, Gibbs, c'mon, my whole life is in that thing. Gibbs, c'mon!
GIBBS: Then don't shoot it.
KATE: If we screw this up, I have a suggestion.
TONY: What?
KATE: We break into Gibbs's basement and we set his boat on fire.
TONY: That's cold, Kate. I knew there was a reason I liked you.
GIBBS: Gibbs. Yeah, we're on it.
TONY: What's up?
GIBBS: Marine wife buried her husband yesterday. Somebody thought it would be fun to call her up on the phone and harass her.
KATE: Since when do we investigate crank calls?
GIBBS: Since the guy calling is claiming to be her dead husband.
LISA: Ready on the firing line, ready on the right, ready on the left.
GIBBS: Fire. Let's see how you do under pressure.
TONY: I'll bring the lighter fluid.
KATE: Deal.

ABBY: Very cool. Where can I get one of these?
TONY: You can have that one.
ABBY: Thanks. said you needed help?
TONY: Yeah. I'm trying to pull up the records on a dead Marine, but my security access won't go through.
ABBY: That's because computers can sense fear, Tony. Name.
TONY: Major Jim Kidwell, he was working at Quantico. Mobile Training Teams. This is social. Is that a new perfume, Abby?
ABBY: Yep. I made it myself. You like it?
TONY: It smells like gunpowder.
ABBY:'s our problem.
TONY: What?
ABBY: Your security clearance isn't high enough. How did he die?
TONY: That's kind of what Gibbs wants me to find out.
ABBY: Then it sucks to be you.

GIBBS: Most of these cases, the caller turns out to be someone you know. Old boyfriend, co-worker.
SARAH: Listen, I know this sounds crazy. But that voice - I could swear it was Jim.
KATE: Sometimes in situations like this, you hear what you think sounds like -
GIBBS: I'd like to put a trace on your phone, Mrs. Kidwell. In case he calls back.
SARAH: What happens if it's Jim? Excuse me.
KATE: It couldn't have been her husband, coud it?
SARAH: Hey guys.
KIDS: Hi. Hi.
RMW: It's okay. I'll be out in a minute.
SARAH: Agent Gibbs, Agent Todd, this is Lisa Peary. Her husband was in the same unit as Jim's. They, um, died together.
KATE: You have our sympathies.
LISA: What we'd really like is some answers. You know, we accepted the fact that our husbands couldn't always tell us where they were, what they were doing. We played the game. We were good Marine wives. But you have to understand - what we got back were two sealed caskets. And now Sarah gets this call from Jim...
KATE: Or someone impersonating him, Mrs. Peary.
LISA: We don't even know how they died. Are you telling me you wouldn't start to wonder?

GIBBS: What'd you find out about our dead Marine?
TONY: He was involved in classified stuff.
TONY: No and. I haven't got high enough clearance to access the records.
KATE: What's your clearance?
TONY: Confidential.
KATE: Confidential? What'd you do, kill someone in high school?
TONY: Ha! That's funny, Kate. No, I screwed up my paperwork with another agent's.
GIBBS: Agent Dinozzo died in a car crash last month, very tragic.
TONY: They yanked my clearance. Now I gotta take a physical to get it back.
KATE: Why's that?
TONY: To prove that I'm still alive.
GIBBS: Any luck?
KATE: Access denied. And I was cleared for Air Force One.
GIBBS: So was an Al Qaeda operative.
TONY: Gibbs'll get in. He's got clearance that'll let him see the dead aliens buried in Area 51.
KATE: Because he probably killed them.
GIBBS: Hm. Someone is deliberately blocking us.
KATE: Or a glitch. Everything doesn't have to be a conspiracy against NCIS, guys.
GIBBS: Are you saying we're paranoid, Kate?
KATE: If the shoe fits...
GIBBS: Yeah. Gibbs. Uh huh. I know where it is. Mhm. That was Kidwell and Peary's commanding officer. We are being blocked.
KATE: Okay. I'll admit. That is strange.
GIBBS: He wants to meet with us.
TONY: When?
GIBBS: Right now. Let's roll.
TONY: Thanks for the new cap, Kate.
KATE: Not a problem. I only wish my warranty covered bullets.

COLONEL WALSH: I appreciate you meeting me out here. I wanted to keep this conversation off the record.
GIBBS: Why's that, Colonel Walsh?
COLONEL WALSH: Because Kidwell and Peary were good men.
KATE: Their widows seem to think so.
COLONEL WALSH: I want to keep it that way. You familiar with Mobile Training Teams?
TONY: Sure. They serve as military advisors in foreign countries.
COLONEL WALSH: Among other things. Kidwell and Peary were working out of country. Op was classified, had nothing to do with their deaths.
GIBBS: Why'd you seal the records, then?
COLONEL WALSH: Because of the way they died. Look. When you work with a foreign military you kinda have to go native. You have to live...breathe the culture. Kidwell and Peary tended to take that approach to the extreme.
GIBBS: Define extreme.
COLONEL WALSH: We found them in a brothel. They had a dispute with one of the local prostitutes. She poisoned them.
GIBBS: With what?
COLONEL WALSH: Local police said formaldehyde.
TONY: Formaldehyde?
COLONEL WALSH: Said she put it in their drinks.
KATE: So you used the classified nature of the operation to cover it up.
COLONEL WALSH: Well, I didn't exactly want to call Lisa and Sarah and tell them their husbands died because they pissed off a whore.
TONY: Probably a good call.
COLONEL WALSH: Look, they weren't angels. But they were damn good Marines, and I'd rather they were remembered that way.
GIBBS: Any idea why someone would call Mrs. Kidwell and impersonate him?
COLONEL WALSH: None. But I hope you catch that son of a bitch. Look if you'll excuse me, I - I have to get back to work.
GIBBS: Ah, just one more thing, Colonel. We're still gonna need to see the records.
COLONEL WALSH: I, I just told you what happened.
GIBBS: Yeah. Yeah, you did.
COLONEL WALSH: I'll see what I can do.

KATE: His body language matches that of someone telling the truth.
GIBBS: Or he's one hell of a liar. Yeah, Gibbs?
ABBY: The techs that installed the phone trace at the Kidwell's found something interesting.
GIBBS: What'd you find?
ABBY: There was already a trace on the phone line, and it's pretty sophisticated stuff.
GIBBS: You able to trace it?
ABBY: Almost. The tracking software lost it somewhere around Dumfries, Virginia...that's right outside of -
GIBBS: Marine base at Quantico.
KATE: Where's he going?

RANDOM MARINE GUY: Can I help you, sir?
GIBBS: NCIS. I need to talk to your CO, Lieutenant Colonel Walsh.
RANDOM MARINE GUY: He's in a meeting right now, sir.
GIBBS: Here?
RANDOM MARINE GUY: Sir, I don't think you heard me.
TONY: Oh, he heard you.
GIBBS: Where's Colonel Walsh?
WALSH: Right here.

GIBBS: Someone is going to a lot of trouble over a prank phone call, Colonel.
KATE: Like an illegal wire tap on Sarah Kidwell's phone.
TONY: And a guy pretending he's you.
GIBBS: I wanna know why.
WALSH: Well, that makes two of us, Agent Gibbs. You think I like getting Marines back in boxes?
GIBBS: Why don't we start with how Major Kidwell and Peary died?
WALSH: That's need to know.
GIBBS: Well, I need to know.
WALSH: Well, unfortunately, it seems I don't. Their records are sealed, and every inquiry I make is shot down.
GIBBS: You have two dead Marines, Colonel, are you trying to tell me you don't know how they died?
WALSH: This is an admin command. When my teams are deployed, they could be working for any of a dozen agencies. They don't report to me.
GIBBS: Who did Kidwell and Peary report to?
WALSH: Officially, the State Department?
GIBBS: Unofifically.
WALSH: You're gonna have to figure that one out for yourselves.
GIBBS: Now, what does that sound like to you, Tony?
TONY: Sounds like one of the As...CIA, NSA...
GIBBS: How about those boxes you got back, Colonel?
WALSH: What about them?
GIBBS: Did you stop to see if your men were inside them? Or was that need to know too?

GIBBS: We're being played, sir.
MORROW: So it seems. The question is, why?
GIBBS: Either they died doing something they weren't supposed to be doing, or Kidwell made that phone call.
MORROW: There is a third alternative. They died on a classified mission serving their country.
GIBBS: I don't buy it, sir. Someone wants us off this case. There's gotta be a reason.
MORROW: Not the first time we've bumped up against another agency's field. There's always a reason.
GIBBS: This time there are a couple of Marine wives caught in the middle, sir.
MORROW: What do you suggest?
GIBBS: I need your help to gain access to their records.
MORROW: I'll make some calls. In the meantime, see what you can find out about this phony Colonel of yours.

TONY: Make the eyes bigger, Abby.
KATE: No - the eyes are fine. It's the nose that needs to be bigger, Abby.
TONY: O-kay, I'll get the APB out on Pinocchio right away.
ABBY: You guys...
GIBBS: Welcome to my world, Abby.
ABBY: Thank you, Gibbs.
GIBBS: Anyone want to explain this?
KATE: Tony and I were just...discussing the shape of our bogus colonel's face.
TONY: Hm, we hadn't quite settled on the nose yet, though.
GIBBS: Yeah, I can see that, Dinozzo.
TONY: Ah, listen, boss, we need a few more minutes, so if you wanna go grab a coffee.
GIBBS: I got a better idea. Go pull Kidwell and Peary's LESes for me. Kate and I'll...
KATE: I'll do that. That is, if you want me to. It's just that...Tony seems to have a better grip on the program here.
GIBBS: Okay. Okay, how do we reset this, Abs?

KATE: What's an LES?
TONY: Leave and Earnings Statement.
KATE: And how would one -
TONY: Marine Corps Finance Center in Kansas City. What's the deal?

KATE: That's correct, ah, Major James Kidwell and Major Craig Peary. I need their leave and earnings statements for the past couple of years. Fax is fine. Attention Special Agent Todd. Thanks, Sergeant.

TONY: Make the chin a little bigger, Abby, and I think we'll have him. That's him!
GIBBS: Yeah, it sure is.
KATE: Ducky! Nice. While you were playing, I sketched our fake colonel.
ABBY: Whoa, I didn't know you were an artist, that rocks!
GIBBS: I'm impressed.
TONY: Let me see that. What the -
KATE: Oh - that's personal -
TONY: Yeah, it is. You really see me like that?
GIBBS: I'm really impressed now.
KATE: Abby I didn't mean anything by that, it's just -
ABBY: I love that, you've gotta let me hang it up.
TONY: I can't wait to see the one you did of Gibbs.
KATE: Oh, give me that. Just give it to me! So. Kansas City said that it would take 24 hours to get the leave and earnings statemetnts.
GIBBS: You've got twelve, I want to see it first thing in the morning. C'mon. Abby, run his likeness through. Concentrate on government employee databases, DOD personnel.
ABBY: You got it, Gibbs.
KATE: What does he expect to find from their LESes?
TONY: C'mon, Kate, that's like NCIS 101.
KATE: You have no idea, do you?
TONY: Not a clue.

GIBBS: Kate. Twelve hours was up fifteen minutes ago.
TONY: Next time have them fax them in order.
KATE: Point taken. Gibbs, are you gonna tell us what these are for?
SARAH: Agent Gibbs.
GIBBS: Mrs. Kidwell.
SARAH: There was another phone call.
O'DONNELL: And this time we have proof that Jim is still alive.

O'DONNELL: Jim left a message on my machine the same day he called Sarah.
TONY: The funeral?
O'DONNELL: Yes. With everything that was going on, I didn't have time to check my messages until the morning.
GIBBS: You seem pretty confident that's Kidwell, Major.
O'DONNELL: I've known Jim since we were second lieutenants at the Basic School. It's his voice, Agent Gibbs.
GIBBS: Yeah, well, we're about to find out. Abby!
ABBY: Yeah!? Sorry.
GIBBS: Let's see what you got.
ABBY: Okay. This - this is the old school version.
[random gibberish]
GIBBS: You can tell that's him from that?
ABBY: Well, lucky for you, you got a mixmaster in the hiz-ouse.
GIBBS: A what?
TONY: It means house. You need to get out more, Gibbs.
ABBY: Word. Okay, here's the filtered version. I ran it against six word samples I had from the Kidwell's home videos. They didn't match.
TONY: So it's not Kidwell on the tape?
ABBY: That's what I thought at first too, but I forgot to factor in the phone line. Ma Bell eliminates any frequency that's below four hundred hertz or above three thousand four hundred. It allows for longer distance transimissions. That's why when people think they sound different on the phone, they do. It's all about the fanfare -
GIBBS: Mixmaster. Today.
[Danny - tell Sarah - trust - Ducky - find Peary - call Mobile]
ABBY: We've got a dead man calling.

LAB TECH: If you could sign this.
TONY: Sorry I couldn't help you with the digging boys, ah...old pro basketball injury.
LAB TECH: Right.
KATE: You played pro ball.
TONY: Well, I was watching a game when it happened. Top's been screwed shut, boss.
KATE: They obviously didn't want anyone looking in before the funeral.
TONY: Or getting out.
O'DONNELL: I don't see why Sarah can't be present for this.
GIBBS: Do you know what's in this box, Major O'Donnell?
O'DONNELL: No, but it's not Jim Kidwell, unless he's figured out a way to make calls from the grave.
GIBBS: Well, you know what, we're gonna find out.
KATE: Don't we have to...wait for Ducky?
GIBBS: Kate. It's a body, it's not going anywhere.
TONY: I'm just hoping it's not another mummy.
O'DONNELL: Oh my God.
TONY: I've got to admit. I wasn't expecting that.
KATE: He looks alive.
O'DONNELL: It's's Jim.

KATE: We sure screwed that up.
TONY: Yep. It still doesn't explain the cover up and the fake colonel.
KATE: They'er called classified ops for a reason, Tony. We'll probably never know.
TONY: The phone call? Your calling plan include the afterlife, Kate?
KATE: Voice recognition isn't an exact science.
TONY: Neither is Gibbs's gut. And he's convinced there's more going on here than a crank call.
KATE: Hm. Well, I hate to break it to you, Tony, but Gibbs can be wrong sometimes.
TONY: Name one.
KATE: The man's been married, like, four times.
TONY: There is that.
GIBBS: There is what?
TONY: Nothing, boss, just discussing the case.
KATE: Or, ah, lack thereof. You still wanna look at those LESes.
GIBBS: I dunno. You figure out how Kidwell died yet?
KATE: I'll, um, I'll just get them in order for you.
GIBBS: Kate. It was three times. Not four.

DUCKY: I'm afraid we've got something of a mystery here, Gibbs.
GIBBS: Tell me something I don't know, Duck.
DUCKY: Our major appears to be in perfect health.
GIBBS: Except for the part where he's dead. I need to know how and when.
DUCKY: Yeah, how, I'm still working on. When is another question entire. Yes, the young man was embalmed.
GERALD: And whoever did the job was definitely a pro.
TONY: How can you tell?
GERALD: My grandfather owned a funeral home. We spent a lot of quality time bonding over the embalming table.
DUCKY: Do you know what a trochar is, Tony?
TONY: I'm guessing it's not an alien on Star Trek.
DUCKY: It's from the French, trois quarts, three quarts. It's used to enter the abdominal cavity so that the lungs and other major organs can be drained of fluids. Now, as you can see, whoever did this, barely left a mark.
TONY: He does look good for a dead guy.
DUCKY: Well, skin tone is simulated by dies. Every mortician has his own family recipe. This is one of the best I've seen.
GIBBS: Can yout ell me when he died?
DUCKY: He's been perfectly preserved. he could have died days ago or even months. It's impossible to tell which it is.
GIBBS: Official cause of death is listed as in the line of duty two weeks ago.
DUCKY: Well, two weeks I can believe. But LOD usually implies an accident, or an injury recieved in combat. Look. Besides minimal bruisng of the wrists, there's no sign of any external trauma. But his insides! Outside of the embalming process, there's no evidence of any internal injury.
GIBBS: There's a rumor going around he might have been poisoned.
DUCKY: It's possible. But the tox screens wouldn't be able to detect it.
TONY: Why's that?
DUCKY: His blood's been replaced by embalming fluid. Formaldehyde, methanol, ethanol, and looking for another toxin would be like looking for a - a needle in a haystack.
GIBBS: A dead Marine with no obvious cause of death, and someone who didn't want us digging him up. Give you any ideas, Duck?
DUCKY: One in particular does come to mind.
GIBBS: Heh. Me too. Keep looking, I need an answer soon.
DUCKY: He's talking about murder, gentlemen.
TONY: I knoew that.
DUCKY: I don't suppose you'd be willing to phone me, Major? Tell me how?

KATE: Kidwell's leave and earnings statements are on top, two years' worth. Now what?
GIBBS: Even top-secret spooks get paid.
KATE: And this well help us because...?
GIBBS: The government records everything, Kate, days at sea, when they receive hazardous duty and combat pay. Divorces. His records may be sealed, but if we follow his paycheck...
KATE: We'll find out where he was stationed.
TONY: And who was paying him.
GIBBS: You have one hour to break that down for me.
KATE: Ah, red tape is actually useful. Who knew?
TONY: Gibbs. You know what really ticks me off?
KATE: Gibbs.
TONY: No. These guys get paid more than I do.

GIBBS: Gibbs.
LISA: I don't appreciate being interrogated, Agent Gibbs.
GIBBS: Well, why don't we start with who is this?
LISA: Lisa Peary. Don't you think I would have told you if Jim Kidwell called me?
GIBBS: Well, exactly who is interrogating you, Mrs. Peary?
LISA: He said his name's Agent Dinozzo.
GIBBS: When did this happen?
LISA: He's here right now.
GIBBS: Where.
LISA: Cohen Park.
GIBBS: I can be there in fifteen minutes. Does he know I'm on the phone talking to you?
LISA: No, I, I, I don't think so.
GIBBS: See if you can't keep him there until I get there.

DUCKY: Interesting, Gerald. Gerald!
GERALD: I'm sorry, I was listening to a football game.
DUCKY: You're wearing a CD player. Are you trying to tell me you find me boring? Ah, never mind. What do you make of this material filling the incision cavity?
GERALD: Well, my grandfather normally used cotton. But in a pinch, we sometimes packed it with old newspaper.
DUCKY: To Abby, please.
GERALD: Sure, right away.
DUCKY: Football. Honestly. Oh, dear Lord. I believe I know how you died, Major. And may the Lord have mercy on your soul.

GIBBS: Mrs. Peary.
LISA: Oh! I tried to keep him here, but I think he knew something was up.
GIBBS: Does this look like the man?
LISA: Yes. But if he doesn't work for NCIS, who does he work for?
GIBBS: I don't know, but I promise you I"m going to find out. Which way did he go?
LISA: Ah, five minutes ago, wearing a black windbreaker.
GIBBS: Take your kids home, I'll be in touch.
LISA: Kids! Let's go! C'mon!

GIBBS: I don't think so. Son of a - ! That's twice. Next time you are mine.

KATE: In September, his unit code changes to 30370, his DSN et (?) changes to...
TONY: Slow down, slow down, please!
KATE: How could you work in law enforcement your entire life and not learn how to type?
TONY: I'm a man of action, Kate.
KATE: Yeah, more like an action figure.
TONY: Why, you want to play with me?
KATE: As in, you look good, but you really can't do much.
TONY: But I look good.
KATE: Ah - Gibbs - is there anything you want to tell us about?
GIBBS: I got shot at by our fake colonel.
TONY: No way! Did you nail him?
GIBBS: Nope. What'd you guys find?
KATE: Right. Uhm. In September, Peary and Kidwell were transferred from CENTCOM to a new unit.
TONY: We got the RUP number, but they're not listed in the Marine Corps database.
GIBBS: Wouldn't be, they weren't working for the Corps. Definitely CIA.
KATE: Well how do you know that?
GIBBS: How many agencies do you know that drive economy class armored cars? Come on. Ducky wants to talk to us.
TONY: He's really pissed off.
KATE: What? How can you tell? I really need to get better at reading men.

DUCKY: It was quite brilliant, actually. I almost missed it. But while I was examining the embalming incision, I discovered that the carotid artery showed absolutely no signs of decay. Yes, I once saw a similar case in western Germany, where a, a young boy -
GIBBS: Duck, we don't have time for stories on this one.
DUCKY: Fine. But first, ah, I'd like to ask a question. Do you people find me...boring?
KATE: Of course not.
TONY: Absolutely not.
GIBBS: Can we get back to this now?
DUCKY: Yes. I then checked the vitreous for toxins.
TONY: Vitreous?
KATE: Eyeball jelly.
DUCKY: Very good, Kate. The concentrations of methanol confirm my suspicions. The reason I was unable to determine cause of death was because...our major was alive when they embalmed him.

ABBY: The stuff inside Kidwell's neck was definitely newspaper. I'm still processing the scraps. Most of it's unreadable, but what I do have is in Spanish.
KATE: Well, that means that Kidwell and our fake colonel were probably in Central or South America recently.
ABBY: I could run his likeness past Marine detachments on embassy duty.
GIBBS: Yeah. Run it. Okay, Dinozzo, what's it say?
TONY: Something about farmer's markets and shoes required.
ABBY: Yeah, but look at this.
TONY: December 12?
KATE: That can't be right, that was two days ago. The funeral was on the -
GIBBS: Eighth.
TONY: So how does a guy get into a coffin that was buried four days before he supposedly died?
KATE: They knew we were going to dig him up.
GIBBS: They killed him and hoped we wouldn't notice.

KATE: We know Kidwell was murdered.
TONY: And that lying sack of excrement was somehow involved. What - you prefer I call him a sack of -
KATE: The question now is...what happened to Major Peary? Is he still alive?
GIBBS: There's an easy way to check.
KATE: What, you think Mrs. Peary is just going to give us permission to dig up his grave?
GIBBS: I don't know, Kate, i wasn't planniing on asking her.
ABBY: Hey guys!
GIBBS: Abby - you track this guy down?
ABBY: Not yet, but I've only heard back from about half of the embassies.
KATE: What is this thing, Abby?
ABBY: Ground-penetrating radar. Gibbs didn't tell you?
KATE: Tell us what?
ABBY: You're going grave-robbing tonight.

TONY: This is so not right. I mean, it's not like we couldn't have done this during daylight.
KATE: You afraid of ghosts, Tony?
TONY: No, I'm afraid of getting shot for trespassing. Where the hell is Gibbs?
GIBBS: Right here.
TONY: Don't do that!
GIBBS: You calibrate the radar yet?
TONY: Just about. Check this out. Oh, yeah. Lookit.
KATE: What's taht by the feet?
TONY: I don't know.
GIBBS: Fluffy.
KATE: Ewww!
TONY: That must have been one lonely old lady.
GIBBS: And one pissed-off poodle. Okay, bring it over here. Let's see if Major Peary's home.
TONY: All right. Oh - casket's metal, boss. I'm getting some false signatures, but...there is definitely something in there. And it is not Agent Peary.

ABBY: You can run, but you cannot hide. What's up, Jack, I have a friend who's looking forward to beating you. Courtesy of the Marines at the Colombian Embassy. His name's Jack Canton.
GIBBS: Should be enough to get the Director of the CIA out of bed. You tired, Kate?
KATE: It's two AM, Gibbs.
GIBBS: Better get moving, then.
TONY: On what?
GIBBS: Need to know where the newspaper was published that was found in Kidwell.
KATE: Tonight?
GIBBS: Technically speaking, it's this morning.

MORROW: Those Marines we were talking about the other day - what were they doing in Colombia, Bob?
CIA DIRECTOR: Well, they were part of a task force that was helping the locals hunt down Carlos Morales. He's the head of the Pudo Mayo drug cartel.
MORROW: How did they die?
CIA DIRECTOR: Poison. Insurgents kidnapped them. We paid the ransom, but they killed them anyway. It happens.
GIBBS: How much was the ransom, Mr. Director?
CIA DIRECTOR: Two million. Why?
MORROW: Was this the agent responsible for paying it?
CIA DIRECTOR: And if it is?
GIBBS: We think he kept the money for himself, and now he's trying to cover it up.
CIA DIRECTOR: Those are pretty bold accusations, Agent Gibbs. Do you have any proof of this?
GIBBS: Major Peary wasn't in his grave. And Kidwell was alive four days ago. You tell me, sir.
MORROW: Where is he now, Bob?
CIA DIRECTOR: Well, now he's on his way back to Colombia. Look, if any of this turns out to be true, we will handle it. I do not need NCIS playing internal affairs for my agency.
MORROW: Understood. Go get our Marine.

TONY: I'd like to officially go on record and say I really, really miss the Gulfstream we took to Gitmo. You hungery, Kate?
KATE: Oh, Tony, do I look hungry to you?
TONY: Now that you mention it, you kind of look like -
KATE: Tell me that's normal.
TONY: Sure. Oh - now, that, I'm not so sure about.
KATE: Great. How long 'till we get to Colombia?
TONY: Oh, it's not long. Five, six hours, tops.
KATE: Okay, is he really sleeping or is that just a nap?
TONY: Nah, he's really sleeping.
KATE: How can you tell?
TONY: He looks peaceful.

GIBBS: Ahhhh. Morning! Sleep well?
KATE: If by well, you mean violently throwing up all night and bouncing around like rag dolls...
TONY: Then yeah, boss, we slept very well, thanks for asking.
GIBBS: Ah, you get used to it.
KATE: That's what I'm afraid of.
STAFF SERGEANT: Sir! We'll be landing in about thirty minutes.
GIBBS: Did you hear back from the embassy yet, Staff Sergeant?
STAFF SERGEANT: The Marines are expecting you. They won't let Kim's partner leave his office until you get there.
GIBBS: Okay. My compliments to the pilot. Whatcha looking for, Kate?
KATE: Ah, the ladies room?
TONY: Hehe.
KATE: Okay, the men's room.
GIBBS: There's no men's room.
KATE: Well then how the hell am I supposed to go the bathroom. You're kidding, right? Oh, no way. I can wait.
GIBBS: Kay. Suit yourself.
KATE: Dammit. Where?
GIBBS: Well, if you want some privacy, you could probably go down behind those boxes there.
KATE: God, I miss Air Force One.

GIBBS: What do you mean, you lost him.
GONZALEZ: We tracked Canton to an insurgent camp. By the time we got there, he was gone.
GIBBS: What do you think about that, Kate, you think Agent Gonzalez here was working for Canton?
KATE: It's possible. Two million could go a long way in Colombia?
GONZALEZ: If I was rogue, do you think I'd be sitting here in this office sweating my ass off, Agent Todd?
KATE: I don't know. Let me see your ass.
GONZALEZ: Canton doesn't even know we're onto him. He's probably going to walk into this door tomorrow.
GIBBS: Yeah, that's a good plan. Except by then Peary will probably already be dead.
TONY: Newspaper we found on Kidwell was published in Bosa.
GONZALEZ: That's about ten miles from here.
TONY: How many funeral parlors would you say they have?
GONZALEZ: What does that have to do with anything?
GIBBS: Humor us.

GONZALEZ: That's Canton's car out front. How'd you know?
GIBBS: Because he embalmed Major Kidwell when he was still alive.
GONZALEZ: He's kidding, right?
TONY: Canton told your agency the Marines were poisoned two weeks ago?
GONZALEZ: Yeah. With formaldehyde.
TONY: Well if Peary's body shows up stabbed, shot, or beaten, it blows his cover.
KATE: And then there's the time of death. Can't have two day old bodies. The embalming hides it.
GONZALEZ: I always knew he was a sick bastard, but that's just...ah, hold on, Gibbs, this isn't the US. I gotta call the Colombians in on this.
GIBBS: Well, you do that. Tony, take the front door. Kate and I'll go around back.
GONZALEZ: Now I know why everyone in the CIA hates these guys.

TONY: Get them out of here.

GONZALEZ: You ready?
TONY: Maybe not.

GIBBS: Grenade!

GIBBS: You okay?
KATE: I think so. Is that my blood?
GIBBS: No...

CANTON: Gibbs. I know you're out there. Answer me, or I'll pop this Marine.
GONZALEZ: Jack. It's me, Gonzalez. I'm coming in.
CANTON: This doesn't concern you, Gonzalez. I want Gibbs. Unarmed. I said Gibbs. The Marine is next.
GIBBS: He dies, you die. You don't get past me.
CANTON: Look, I just want to talk to you, okay?
GIBBS: Why don't I believe that?
CANTON: From where I'm standing, you don't have much choice. You want your Marine back, you deal wtih me.
GIBBS: Okay. Relax your shoulders.
CANTON: What's it gonna be, Gibbs?
GIBBS: I'm comin' in.
CANTON: Two million dollars, and it was all mine. But you wouldn't let up. You really think I'm going to let you walk out of here?
GIBBS: I figured you were gonna say that.
CANTON: I can't believe you trusted me.
GIBBS: You sound just like my ex-wife.

BOY: Kick the ball straight!
GIRL: Watch me kick!
BOY: Daddy! It's Daddy! Daddy, Daddy, I missed you!
GIRL: Daddydaddydaddy!
PEARY: I really missed you. Thank you. Thank you all so much.
LISA: Oh, God, what happened to your ear?
PEARY: I'll live.
TONY: I'm telling you, that wasn't my fault, Kate.
KATE: Oh, so it was mine?
TONY: Gibbs saw the whole thing - let him decide.
KATE: Fine. Ask him.
TONY: I will.
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