Full name: Timothy McGee.
Nickname: Timmy and Tim.
Date of Birth: Unknown.
Address: Unknown.
Cultural Background: Unknown.
Height: Unknown.
Weight: Unknown.
Hair: Brown.
Eyes: Green.
Peculiar Physical Traits: -
Health: -
Eating habits/mannerisms/tastes: -
Occupation: NCIS Special Agent.
Previous Law Enforcement Experience: Unknown.
Views on Money/Spending Habits: Unknown.
Education: Started at MIT when he was sixteen and went to John Hopkins.
Marital Status: Unmarried.
Birth Order: Unknown.
Religious Beliefs: Unknown.
Type of car: Takes the bus.
Most important possession: Unknown.
Hobbies: Unknown.
Talents: Computer hacking.
Greatest Fear: Unknown.
Significant Other: Abigail Sciuto, on and off girlfriend.
Lives with: Unknown.
Spend the most time with: Unknown.
Father: Unknown.
Mother: Unknown.
Grandfathers: Unknown.
Grandmothers: Unknown.
Cousins: Unknown.
Siblings: Has a younger sister, says she very messy. Is rumored to be the girl in his apartment in the season two episode 2.20 Red Cell.
Children: Unknown.
View of his boss/co-workers: Special Agent Gibbs: Father/Son. With Special Agent DiNozzo: Brotherly. With Special Agent Todd: Very good friends. With Forensic Specialist Sciuto: On and off girlfriend. With Medical examiner Mallard: Friend.
Hero: Unknown.
Episode Information: