Split Decision Transcripts

Jun 29, 2006 16:15

Split Decision Transcripts

(music, Eve6's "Nightmare")
RANDOM KID 1: All right, dude, you're set.
CHUCK: This is gonna be epic.
RANDOM KID 2: We pull this off, and Johnny Noxfield's gonna be asking us for a job.
RANDOM KID 3: What job anyone's asking you for?
CHUCK: Guys, shut up and concentrate. You let me go before I'm behind that line and things are gonna get ugly.
RANDOM KID 3: You sure that line's where you need to be?
CHUCK: Did the math, bro. All right, Zach, you ready? All right, guys. I'm Chuck Mannis, and this is the human slingshot.
ZACH: Okay, guys, on three - one, two, three!
RANDOM KID 3: Chuck!
RANDOM KID 4: Chuck! Chuck, hey, Chuck, man, are you all right? Dude, are you hurt, dude?
CHUCK: That. Was. Awesome!


DUCKY: Odd coincidence, how nature and circumstance have conspired to place you in this position, my friend. Though I imagine the irony isn't of much use to you know.
GIBBS: What d'you see, Duck?
DUCKY: Oh, some blood and tissue, residue on the stump. Although not nearly enough for this to be the impaling instrument of his demise.
KATE: he had that hole in him before he landed there?
DUCKY: Precisely.
TONY: Guess plain old ring toss doesn't cut it for some people
GIBBS: What put the hole in him?
DUCKY: Well, it was approximately 18 inches in diameter, metallic shrapnel residue, organ and tissue damage consistent with a high velocity object. I've only seen this one time before, in a Somali village called (?). A young sheepherder made the mistake of impregnating the daughters of a local warlord.
TONY: And they cored him out like an apple?
DUCKY: I can assure you, Tony, they take such things very seriously in Somalia.
GIBBS: So what'd they do?
DUCKY: A good old fashioned Soviet technology. Shoulder-fired antitank missile at twenty paces.
KATE: It's what they used to shoot our helicopters down in Iraq.
TONY: Red white and blue version's called a SMAW. Shoulder Launch Multi-Purpose Assault Weapon.
GIBBS: Safety backlash on that weapon's a hundred meters. Yeah. Yeah, they fired from right in here someplace. He was there - the warhead damage should be somewhere along this line.
TONY: On it.
KATE: What are you looking for?
GIBBS: This.
KATE: What is it?
GIBBS: Igniter cap. When the SMAW fired, this was ejected out the back. Get some scrapings off the tree for Robbie. Duck! What are you estimating on time of death?
DUCKY: It's tricky, Jethro, given the massive and rapid loss of blood. I mean, body temp, lividity, and rigor aren't going to be much use in establishing PMI.
GIBBS: yeah, but...
DUCKY: What makes you think there's a but?
GIBBS: Well, with you there always is.
DUCKY: Yes, that's right, isn't it. Yeah, well as they say in the high country markets of Sri Lanka - there's more than one way to skin a mongoose. Actually, there are three.
GIBBS: Ducky...
DUCKY: After death, the red blood cells in the eyes break down forming potassium. This cloudiness is a byproduct of that. Yes, I'll be able to get an accurate determination when I test it in the lab. Best I can do for now - past twenty-four hours.
TONY: Got something! ETDP, residue should confirm.
GIBBS: Take samples and measurements.
TONY: Yeah.
KATE: Subtitles?
TONY: SMAW fires two types of warheads. HEDP, high explosive dual purpose, and HEAA, high explosive anti-armor. DP leaves a crater, AA leaves a hole.
KATE: Wow, you really do keep something besides comic books in your bathroom.
TONY: Hard to believe, huh?
KATE: Impressive.
TONY: Thanks a lot.
KATE: I was talking about the crater.

DUCKY: Note the signs of hematoma on the victim's face and upper torso.
NEW ASSISTANT: ...signs of hematoma on...
DUCKY: He was beaten before he was murdered.
NEW ASSISTANT: He was beaten before he was murdered.
DUCKY: Well before.
NEW ASSISTANT: Well before...it's bothering you?
DUCKY: I was going to suggest you leave the recorder next to me, that way you don't have to repeat everything I say.
NEW ASSISTANT: Good plan, doctor.
DUCKY: Yes, note the variation in color on the bruises. These were inflicted on several different occasions within the past three to four weeks. Additionally, the bruising is not only uniform but there are no indications of any points of acute trauma, such as would have occurred from the contact of bare knuckles on unprotected skin. I believe further examination would reveal that our victim was a student of the sweet science.
NEW ASSISTANT: Sweet science?
DUCKY: A pugilist, if you will.
NEW ASSISTANT: He was a boxer?
DUCKY: Yes. Do you want to get that?
DUCKY: Oh, please.

TONY: McGee! Are you nuts?
MCGEE: What?
TONY: You're at Gibbs's desk using his computer, that's like touching...the Ark of the Covenant.
MCGEE: Gibbs knows I'm doing this.
TONY: He said you could use his computer?
MCGEE: Uh huh.
TONY: Really? You know, when mine fried, he wouldn't let me touch his.
GIBBS: 'Cause your fingers are always greasy from fried chicken and pizza. How's it going?
MCGEE: Bringing it online now, boss.
TONY: What?
MCGEE: Yearbook photos from every British university taken between '87 and '97.
TONY: Who said our terrorist was British?
GIBBS: Ducky. Said his syntax suggested higher education in the British Isles.
TONY: Well, maybe he just grew up watching tons of Cary Grant movies. Okay. Why the decade between '87 and '97?
KATE: Because I estimated his age to be 33 and added five years to either side for safety.
TONY: Oh. Did you spend college summers working a carnie as Madame Natasha?
KATE: Hmmm, I've always been good at guessing ages.
TONY: Yeah? How old am I?
KATE: Based on chronology or maturity?
TONY: Yeah, that's very funny.
KATE: 32.
TONY: You saw my file.
KATE: Nope.
TONY: Well, how old is Gibbs?
GIBBS: That's great work, McGee?
MCGEE: Anytime, boss.
TONY: Look at him. He gets a pat on the back, I get a smack on the head.
KATE: Aw, it doesn't seem fair, does it.
TONY: No...
KATE: But it is. Fax from AFIS came in. Our victim is Staff Sergeant Thomas Grimm. He was an armorer attached to the ordinance and maintenance section at Quantico, responsible for weapons inventory and custody guards.
GIBBS: Makes sense, given the way he died.
KATE: And Ducky was right, he was a boxer. Top-rated middleweight on the Quantico boxing team.

BOXING COACH: Staff Sergeant Grimm was a hell of a fighter and a great Marine. Hey, hands up, Marino!
KATE: I saw Grimm’s record. Very impressive.
BOXING COACH: 17-0 since he joined the Corps. Last one was a battle. All right, if you two are going to dance, you join the Air Force, now let's see some action out there!
TONY: Do you have a list of Grimm's opponents?
BOXING COACH: Do you think his death had to do with his boxing?
TONY: Everything's on the table until we rule it out.
BOXING COACH: It's in my office.
KATE: I'll wait here.

KATE: Where'd you learn how to box?
MCCLAIN: Five older brothers.
KATE: Self-preservation.
MCCLAIN: You here about Staff Sergeant Grimm?
KATE: I am. Special Agent Todd, NCIS. You are?
MCCLAIN: Corporal McClain. Any idea what happened?
KATE: We're working on it. Did you know him?
MCCLAIN: Mostly from seeing him around the gym.
KATE: He a good guy?
MCCLAIN: From what I could tell. He's a good boxer. Killer of a left hook. Look, uh, if it's okay with you, I really gotta...
KATE: No problem.

GIBBS: Looks l like a serial number.
ABBY: It's part of one.
GIBBS: The good part?
ABBY: You can't go straight for dessert, Gibbs. You have to eat your peas first.
GIBBS: I hate peas.
ABBY: The serial number indicates the manufacturer, the lot number, and the year that it was built. We only have partial, so we only have part of the picture.
GIBBS: The good part?
ABBY: It's ice cream time. The weapon that killed Staff Sergeant Grimm definitely came from the armory at Quantico.

TONY: Staff Sergeant Grimm could've used a little help from the boys on Queer Eye.
KATE: I doubt that rug would’ve made the cut.
TONY: Actually this was the only thing I kinda liked.
KATE: I'll add that to the list of reasons I never want to see your apartment.
TONY: Ha ha. Nothing in the bedroom, what's with the computer?
KATE: No desktop, no operating system.
TONY: Maybe it's busted.
KATE: Or maybe somebody reformatted the hard drive.

ABBY: We can rebuild it, we have the technology. Hello, Steve Austin, Six Million Dollar Man? See, that's the problem with the world today: no respect for history.
GIBBS: Can we just concentrate on the present?
ABBY: Kate was right, the hard drive was completely reformatted.
GIBBS: So we have nothing.
ABBY: Actually, no. When you write data onto a hard drive, it's triggered electronically and magnetically onto a hard drive plate.
TONY: What would that mean as something Kate would understand?
ABBY: That even though the drive was reformatted, all the information that was contained is still here. It's just a matter of Humpty Dumptying it.
TONY: I thought they couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again.
KATE: That's because the king only had horses and men.
ABBY: I ran the data through a computer, and was able to construct a virtual hard drive containing the information from Staff Sergeant Grimm's computer.
GIBBS: You got everything back?
ABBY: Since the day he bought it.
GIBBS: Hey, let's start with the most recent stuff.
ABBY: Okay, the last file Grimm edited was a JPEG.
GIBBS: Whoa. Lot of firepower. Isn't exactly standard armory floor covering.
TONY: It's not. That's Grimm's living room.

KATE: Ran the ?? on Staff Sergeant Grimm’s phone. The day before he was killed, he placed seven calls to Abe's Pawn Shop - none of them lasting more than a minute.
TONY: Setting up the meet?
GIBBS: Could be.
KATE: Pawn Shop's local. ?? said that the previous owner, an Abe Hargrove, is currently doing 3-5 in Butner for interstate trafficking. Daughter's running it now.
GIBBS: Well, maybe the daughter is following in her father's footsteps.
TONY: Undercover time?
GIBBS: For me.
TONY: Not a good idea, boss.
GIBBS: Yeah, why's that, Dinozzo?
TONY: You thinking renegade enlisted bearing gifts straight from the source?
GIBBS: Hm, I was.
TONY: We don't know the daughter’s involvement with Grimm yet. Approaching her so soon as another Marine gone bad might make her suspicious. Which brings me to actually to another option.
GIBBS: Uh-huh?
TONY: Complete and total sleaze. Pure pawn shop material. And let's face it, I'm a more believable scumbag than you.
KATE: No argument here.
TONY: Me, disheveled; you, high and tight. Me flaky, you solid citizen.
GIBBS: Yeah, yeah, I get the point. Have Abby do a full background and ID.
TONY: Sure.
GIBBS: What?
TONY: For you?
GIBBS: For you, Dinozzo. For you.
TONY: Right.
GIBBS: Kate. What'd you get from Staff Sergeant Grimm's CO at Quantico?
KATE: Well, part of Staff Sergeant Grimm's job was to evaluate weapons. If they were beyond repair, then he would transport them to a facility to be destroyed. But once they were out of Quantico, they were out of the system.
GIBBS: Out of Quantico's system - they still had to be signed in to wherever they were going.
KATE: Well, these are Staff Sergeant Grimm's SRB and Duty records. I'll go through everything
GIBBS: Yeah. You will.
KATE: You know, Gibbs...I know that you're bothered that the terrorist got away, I am too, but...but you might wanna think about, you know, trying to be a little bit less of a Gloomy Gus.
GIBBS: Gloomy Gus?

TONY: I love Gus! It's very strong. What d'you have to go with it?
ABBY: Um...Louis?
TONY: Gus Louis. Sorta sounds like a salad.
ABBY: Yeah. How 'bout Bricker?
TONY: Bricker. Gus...Bricker. That's tough. Gibbs says put some military in the background.
ABBY: Hm, dishonorable discharge, of course.
TONY: How about some time in Leavenworth?
ABBY: What's the crime?
TONY: Something that fits my persona?
ABBY: How about violation of federal obscenity laws?
TONY: Huh. That's funny. No, I meant my new sleazy gun running profile.
ABBY: Drugs are always a safe bet.
TONY: Yeah. Drugs.
ABBY: Got three to five for possession, out on parole in two.
TONY: There is no justice in this world, Abs.

RANDOM GUY: Come on, lady, that's not fair.
STONE: Life's not fair.
STONE: Sucks.
RANDOM GUY: All right, whatever.
STONE: See ya.
TONY: You drive a hard bargain.
STONE: Not really. Stuff’s probably not worth much more than I paid for it.
TONY: Looking for Abe.
STONE: Not here.
TONY: When d’you expect him back?
STONE: Anywhere from three to five.
TONY: Busted.
STONE: Yep. Life's not fair.
TONY: Ah...damn.
STONE: You a friend of my father's?
TONY: More like a business acquaintance.
STONE: Well maybe...we could be business acquaintances.
TONY: Huh. Thanks, but I got other buyers.
STONE: Whatever my father paid, I'll better it.
TONY: Now why would you do that?
STONE: To prove to guys like you that I’m serious.
TONY: Abe paid top dollar.
STONE: Why don't you bring me what you've got, and then we'll talk price?
TONY: It's already here. Two cases of M-16's, a case of ??.
STONE: Where’d you get this stuff?
TONY: You want 'em or not?
STONE: I might be interested.
TONY: It's not every day you get the chance to buy these kinds of weapons.

TONY: What's that?
STONE: It's called scanning fingerprints. Need to know if you are who you say you are.
TONY: Forget it.
STONE: Not an option.

DUCKY: Abby. I’m surprised. I had you pegged for more the anarchist type.
ABBY: Actually, I used to be an anarchist.
DUCKY: What happened?
ABBY: Too many rules. No, I’m just trying to help Tony narrow down possible buyers for Staff Sergeant Grimm's Guns-R-Us operation.
DUCKY: I'd've thought gangs.
ABBY: Well, you'd've been right, up to the point of shoulder-fired anti-tank and aircraft weapons.
DUCKY: That's overkill even for the local Cripps set.
ABBY: Terrorists came to my mind first, but they wouldn't risk a US military connection. There's too many outsiders. These guys, however, are all about the military.
DUCKY: Did you know that militias were once a legitimate and necessary source of defense for this country?
ABBY: Well, according to these guys, they still are. But it's not like they have any new ideas, it's all so...
DUCKY: The song remains the same?
ABBY: Exactly. And bonus points for the gratuitous rock reference.

KATE: She's got skills.
BOXING COACH: Yeah, she'd have a lot more if she just listened.
KATE: What d'you mean?
BOXING COACH: Let's just say Corporal McClain likes to be the one giving the orders.
KATE: Corporal McClain, I need to talk to you.
MCCLAIN: I got fifteen more minutes with the pad
KATE: It'll have to wait.
MCCLAIN: What can I do for you?
KATE: Tell me why you lied to me.
MCCLAIN: I didn't.
KATE: You gave me the impression that you barely knew Staff Sergeant Grimm.
MCCLAIN: Look, I said what I said. You drew your own conclusions.
KATE: DO you think this a game, Corporal?
KATE: Three days ago, you and Grimm took a shipment of weapons from Quantico to be destroyed.
MCCLAIN. That's right.
KATE: Yeah, well one of those weapons didn't make it. I want to know what happened.
MCCLAIN: I don't know.
KATE: Is that your final answer? Turn around.
MCCLAIN: Wait, wait, I don't know, okay? Really. Can we just...
KATE: You're on the log. You signed the shipment out at 1400 hours on the sixth.
MCCLAIN: I was there, I just, I wasn't. Grimm and I picked the weapons up at the armory, but he dropped me off as soon as we got off base.
KATE: He dropped you off?
MCCLAIN: My boyfriend, he's Army, third division out of Fort Bragg. He was shipping out to Iraq the next day. Look, this was Grimm's idea. He said it didn't take two people to drive a truck. He told me he could handle it himself.

TONY: What about you?
STONE: What about you?
TONY: How do I know you're not a cop?
STONE: You don't. But if I was, don't you think that's something you would have wanted to ask a while ago? Are you always that subtle when you're leering at women?
TONY: Leering by definition isn't supposed to be subtle.
STONE: Do you always move this fast?
TONY: Only when there's nothing to slow me down. Ha.
STONE: Ohhh, Gus Bricker. Born 8 July 1972. Enlisted in the Marine Corps, 1998. Dishonorable discharge. Three to five years in Leavenworth for possession of methamphetamines six months later.
TONY: I have authority issues.
STONE: Three to five for a first offense on possession? Seems a little steep
TONY: The Corps has higher standards.
STONE: They took you.
TONY: I like playing games with you. Just not this kind. So. Are we gonna do this, or what?
STONE: I'll get your money.

GIBBS: Drop it.
STONE: You drop it.
GIBBS: You're outnumbered.
STONE: I can still kill him.
GIBBS: Go ahead. Easy. Search her.
TONY: Boss.
GIBBS: Got it?
STONE: Very thorough Special Agent...?
TONY: Tony Dinozzo. Well, you can't be too careful, Special Agent...?
STONE: Melinda Stone. ID's under the stereo.
TONY: You weren't seriously gonna let her shoot me, were ya?
TONY: You had a plan, right?
GIBBS: Yeah.
TONY: It's the real deal.
GIBBS: Tell me about this op you're running.
STONE: ATF knew they were running a lot of illegal weapons, figured they'd leave it open, see what crawled through. Put me in as Hargrove's daughter.
GIBBS: Where's your backup?
STONE: You're looking at it. We're stretched as thin as everybody else since 9/11.
GIBBS: Tell me about Staff Sergeant Grimm.
TONY: Thomas Grimm, armorer at Quantico.
STONE: Never heard of him.
TONY: He placed several calls here two days ago.
STONE: He said his name was Jeff Conklin - that he had access to high-powered weapons.
GIBBS: What were you gonna do with them?
STONE: Well, I was working with one of Abe Hargrove's former buyers.
STONE: No name. Only had a phone number and a voice. Soon as your armorer sent me digital stills, I set up the buy.
GIBBS: You ever see the weapons?
STONE: Hm-m. He never showed, got cold feet.
TONY: That's note exactly how it went down, thanks to a SMAW. He's got cold everything now.

KATE: Staff Sergeant Rafael? Special Agent Todd, NCIS.
RAFAEL: Once the request is approved from division, all non-operative weapons are reported to DMIL Center in Crenny, Indiana, and ADMAC1048.
KATE: Then what?
RAFAEL: The inventory is transferred here to Camp Geiger and stored, pending orders for destruction.
KATE: You contact Indiana when you receive the weapons?
RAFAEL: Yes ma'am, it's procedure.
KATE: You contact them when Staff Sergeant Grimm brought his inventory here?
RAFAEL: Like I said, ma'am, it's procedure.
KATE: Yes, you did, Staff Sergeant. But I’m asking specifically about the weapons Grimm signed out of Quantico three days ago.
RAFAEL: Ma'am, I am a Staff Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps. I don't now how it is at NCIS, but I follow all orders and procedures laid out for me at this command.
KATE: You still haven't answered my question. Did you inspect Staff Sergeant Grimm's manifest, sign for the weapons, and contact Indiana?
KATE: Wasn't so hard, was it, Staff Sergeant?
RAFAEL: Will there be any more questions, ma'am?
KATE: No. Not here. I want to see you in Washington. I'll call your CO, find out what the procedures are.

TONY: I like a girl with spunk.
STONE: That right?
TONY: The first girl I ever kissed, kicked me right in the...
STONE: Way above the shins?
TONY: Painfully above.
STONE: Hm. I hope you learned your lesson,
TONY: I did. Next time, I waited till after she swallowed her gummy bear.
GIBBS: Dinozzo! Agent Stone. You're working with us on this, call your office for verification. Not now. We found evidence on Grimm's computer he was putting photos on the internet, see what interest he could draw.
STONE: You think my buyer found him first?
GIBBS: I think it's a possibility.
TONY: Cut out the middleman, save some dough when the deal went south somehow?
GIBBS: Yeah, well, somebody's still got enough firepower out there to do some serious damage. Dinozzo, find us some weapons.
TONY: On it.
GIBBS: Agent Stone, with me. Call your buyer. Tell him you found a new supplier.
STONE: If my boss verifies that we're working together.
GIBBS: Well, this time you bring your supplier, he'll think you're covering your ass.
STONE: The buyer won't like it.
GIBBS: No, he won't, but you're gonna give him a background that checks out.
STONE: Will Agent Dinozzo be the supplier again?
GIBBS: Well, unfortunately, Agent Dinozzo doesn't fit the profile. He's more scumbag type.
KATE: Gibbs!
GIBBS: Special Agent Todd, Special Agent Stone, ATF. She'll be working with us on this.
STONE: Possibly.
KATE: Two things. McGee checked out Corporal Patty McClain's alibi. Her boyfriend shipped to Iraq just like she said. When Grimm was killed, they were shacked up in a hotel.
GIBBS: Second thing?
KATE: Staff Sergeant Rafael's holding out, I can feel it in my gut.
GIBBS: Guts are good.
KATE: He's having a little time out in the interrogation room, so when you're ready I'll go over all my notes with you.
GIBBS: I gotta work up an ID with Abby. I’m afraid Staff Sergeant Rafael is all yours.
KATE: You always do the interrogations, Gibbs!
GIBBS: Not this one.

GIBBS: Abs! Need an ID.
ABBY: There's a lot of that going around. This the ATF lady that's working with us?
STONE: News travels fast around here.
GIBBS: You have no idea.
ABBY: Shoot.
GIBBS: Arms dealer, ex-military.
GIBBS: Honorable discharge. Give me a medal.
ABBY: Silver?
GIBBS: Bronze.
ABBY: Silver would be better. you're more of a winter. Never had your colors done did ya?
GIBBS: Not unless I was unconscious.
ABBY: Your colors are arranged seasonally based on your skin tone. Bronze is more of an autumn. It's important, Gibbs.
GIBBS: I'm sure it is.
ABBY: You scoff, but there's scientific ev -
GIBBS: Silver'll be fine, Abs.
ABBY: Wise choice. Okay, work history.
GIBBS: Civilian contractor. Nicaragua, Nepal, Greece.
ABBY: Kazakhstan. That'd be a good addition.
STONE: Another winter thing?
ABBY: Don't be silly, ATF lady.
GIBBS: Abs, leave a few gaps. Don’t make it so neat.
ABBY: Please, Gibbs. I've been making fake IDs since I was 15. What kind of name do you want?
GIBBS: Anything but Gus.

RAFAEL: Are we going to do this, ma'am?
KATE: You were paired with Grimm at the Armorer's school in Aberdeen, is that right?
RAFAEL: Four months' training starting June 02. Spent ten hours a day learning maintenance, repair, and evaluation.
KATE: Were you and Grimm close outside of school?
RAFAEL: Had a few beers over the weekends. Along with other guys from our class.
KATE: What about now? Few beers on the weekends? Talk on the phone?
RAFAEL: No, ma'am.
KATE: I'm gonna need the last three months of Staff SergeantRafael's phone records faxed over from Camp Geiger. Thanks.
RAFAEL: We talk a little. It doesn't make me a criminal.
KATE: What d'you talk about? Sports? Girls?
KATE: Guns?
RAFAEL: Sometimes we talk work. That involves weapons.
KATE: WE found Staff SergeantGrimm's body yesterday. He'd been blown apart by a weapon. A SMA. The serial number on the SMA that kills him matches the inventory on his NAVMAC1048. A copy of which you signed and sent to Crane. Now. How can this weapon be at Camp Geiger - but not be there?
RAFAEL: Stuff gets misplaced once in a while.
KATE: So you stand by what's on your report.
RAFAEL: I have no reason not to.

GIBBS: Make your call.

STONE: The buyer chose a group of abandoned factory buildings somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
TONY: Smart. They'd spot backup anywhere close.
GIBBS: Our cell phones have GPS technology. They'll take them, sweep us for a signal, make sure we're not wired.
STONE: So what's that?
GIBBS: It's a locator. I won't activate us unless they move us.
TONY: Very James Bond. Does it tell time, too?
GIBBS: You can lay back, track us from a safe distance.

STONE: Yeah?
TONY: ??'s in place. Tell Gibbs not to forget it's the first two MP5's on the left that have live clips.
STONE: Tell him yourself.
TONY: I already told him five times, I think he's annoyed. It's his left when he's looking down at the crate, with the barrels pointing -
STONE: Away from him, he knows.
TONY: Well yeah, just okay, just remind him that it's the top layer of the ammo cache that's live, 'cause he's -
GIBBS: Hey, Dinozzo. Get off the line.
TONY: O-Okay. Good luck, boss.
MILITIA COMMANDER: Hands! Keep 'em up! Check 'em!
MILITIA COMMANDER: You got my package?
GIBBS: Yeah. They're right here.
STONE: So where's our money?
MILITIA COMMANDER: You’ll get your money when we check the weapons. SO let's go. Move.
RANDOM MILITIA GUY: Cell phones in the bag. Wallet, jewelry, and watches, too.
GIBBS: We gonna get a receipt for this?

STONE: We gonna drive to Delaware to do this?
GIBBS: You guys have a website? A lot of these militia groups have websites. All kinds of links to buy merchandise. You can buy coffee cups, sweatshirts, caps...one of 'em even has a militia babe calendar. It's amazing.
MILITIA COMMANDER: Only calendar we have is the one that marks the days until the US government takes away our last constitutional freedom. When that day comes, and some federal cops puts a block to your head 'cause he doesn’t like your jokes - think about us.
GIBBS: Thinking about you now.

KATE: Here's what I think, Staff Sergeant. Your Marine buddy called you with a proposition too good to be true. All you had to do was sign for weapons that were useless. They were going to be destroyed. Didn't seem like such a terrible thing to do, did it? You're gonna do time. How much...depends on a number of things. Including what kind of cooperation I tell the JAG prosecutors you gave me. I wonder if this were you, how you'd appreciate another Marine not speaking up to get your killer. I'll be back to read your charges and your Article 31 rights.
RAFAESTONE: I never thought anyone was gonna get hurt. It was only gonna be one time, we were never gonna do it again.
KATE: Grimm approached you?
RAFAESTONE: We met at a bar. It seemed pretty fool-proof. All I had to do w as sign the weapons in and make some cash.
KATE: It was a good deal for both of you.
RAFAEL: IT was a good deal for all three of us.
KATE: McGee!
MCGEE: Kate! I realized I'd overlooked something in the search programs. Late transfers to school systems aren't -
KATE: Tell me how you checked Corporal McClain's alibi.
MCGEE: I called Army CID to verify her boyfriend was shipped out to Iraq.
KATE: The motel part
MCGEE: Oh, ah, Corporal McClain says she spent the night of Staff SergeantGrimm's death at the Two Moon Motel on US1 with her boyfriend.
KATE: You went.
MCGEE: Well, I called. That wasn't right? I, I should've gone in person?
KATE: McGee. Can you put your insecurities on hold for just two seconds?
MCGEE: I can.
KATE: What did the clerk say?
MCGEE: Corporal Thomas Mackenzie signed for a room at 1900 with a woman who matched Corporal McClain's description.
KATE: You faxed them a photo?
MCGEE: Well, I hadn't received it from Quantico yet.
KATE: When you did receive it?
MCGEE: Well, I guess I got a little involved with this.

STONE: What d'you say we try not to push his buttons this time?
GIBBS: I'll do my best.

KATE: Thank you. The hotel clerk says that the faxed photo of Corporal McClain is not the woman Corporal Mackenzie checked in with.
MCGEE: I know. That was Corporal Mackenzie on the sat phone in Iraq. They broke up a month ago.
KATE: Let's go.
MCGEE: Will, ah, will Gibbs have to know about this?
KATE: McGee - I can't think about your ass right now.
MCGEE: I, ah, I understand. What about Dinozzo?

MILITIA COMMANDER: I could get one of these at Wal-Mart.
GIBBS: You don't want 'em, fine. Take us back.
MILITIA COMMANDER: Didn't say that. MP5's a good weapon. But these are the single-fire model. I was told these would be full auto.
GIBBS: They are. Trigger release's been replaced with a military variant.
GIBBS: Why do you think you're getting such a good price on them? I could demonstrate.
MILITIA COMMANDER: We'll handle that.
GIBBS: Suit yourself.
MILITIA COMMANDER: 350 per unit.
STONE: Five.
MILITIA COMMANDER: Five's too rich.
STONE: I'm paying him 375.
STONE: Four fifty.
MILITIA COMMANDER: The art of compromise. My M60's in there?
GIBBS: Echo3's.
MILITIA COMMANDER: They don't make a single-shot version of this. Price?
STONE: Grand, per.
MILITIA COMMANDER: Good price. What if I wanted something heavier?
GIBBS: How heavy you talking about?
MILITIA COMMANDER: Armor-piercing ammo. Heavy caliber machine guns. Rockets.
GIBBS: Let me see what I can do.
MILITIA COMMANDER: Let's take this for a little test drive, then we'll do our deal.
GIBBS: I didn't bring any ammo.
MILITIA COMMANDER: Not a problem. We did. You'd be surprised how much we have in common with the Boy Scouts. Get me another one.
MILITIA COMMANDER: No firing pins. NO firing pins!
GIBBS: Hey, I know you're pissed, okay, I'm pissed too! Wait, my supplier ripped me off!
MILITIA COMMANDER: You didn't know.
GIBBS: No, I didn't know! Just pay me for the MP5's and let's call it a night. Considering the circumstances, let's lower the price. Fifty dollars a unit, all right?
MILITIA COMMANDER: How 'bout free? You tried to screw me.
STONE: No, no, he did. I can get you the weapons you need.
MILITIA COMMANDER: I want them now.
STONE: I have a buyer. But we have to do it tonight.

KATE: I bet it was a lot easier when Staff Sergeant Grimm was helping. They say when you're about to die, your life flashes before you. Is it the same when you're being arrested for murder, Corporal?
MCCLAIN: What murder?
KATE: Cuff her, McGee.

STONE: They'll be here.
MILITIA COMMANDER: I hope so, for your sake. Yeah. Great. Time for NCIS to stop laying down on the job.
GIBBS: Learned everything I know from ATF.
MILITIA COMMANDER: Special Agent Todd just informed me Corporal Patty McClain and the weapons are in custody.
RANDOM MILITIA GUY: Okay, cuff her.
TONY: Agent Stone.
STONE: Agent Dinozzo. Didn't see this coming.
TONY: That was kind of the plan.
MILITIA COMMANDER: We've been watching you since your last op. Too many things didn't add up.
TONY: You killed Staff Sergeant Grimm, didn't you.
STONE: No. Corporal McClain did. They got into an argument over her cut, and she blew him away.
GIBBS: What d'you want to bet she's gonna say the same thing?
STONE: It doesn't really matter. Screwed either way.

TONY: I really liked her.
KATE: ATF agent involved in illegal weapons and murder. What's not to like?
TONY: So quick to judge, Kate. Sure, she has flaws, sure she's going to prison, but my instincts tell me she has good qualities as well.
KATE: Two of them wouldn't happen to live under her shirt, would they?
TONY: You're not gonna believe this, but, ah, when it comes to women? I actually look for more complex things under the surface.
KATE: Really?
TONY: Yeah.
KATE: Like when you were tonguing that he-she a few weeks ago? Lots of complex things under that surface.
TONY: I gotta go.
GIBBS: What's wrong with Dinozzo?
KATE: He's conflicted.
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