Nomination and voting

May 05, 2009 11:43

Because it seems it's not entirely clear...


Each person who is responsible for the nominations for a pairing makes a post. You can find who is responsible for what here.

The template for the nominations posts is here. Just replace the [pairing] and such with the correct info. This post should be made on May 14th or 15th (the nominations period opens on May 15th). All comments will be screened. Do not unscreen the comments - we want the nominations to be anonymous to everyone else. (However, we do not accept anonymous nominations: a person nominating a story must be logged onto an LJ account)

We don't count the amount of nominations a fic gets - every nominated story will be voted upon.

The person who is responsible for the nominations have to contact the authors of the nominated stories, to make sure that they want to be in the Awards and that the fic is in the right category. If more than one of the author's stories is nominated in a category, the author gets 14 days, or until the end of the nominations period (whichever is sooner), to chose which story to keep, otherwise it's up to the person responsible for the nominations.

It would be very nice if everyone could use Google docs to keep track of nominations, to make things easy for mistress_tien and the voting process. See more about it here.

Question: Each author gets to have up to ten stories nominated. How do we keep track of this if an author writes in more than one pairing? This rule has been removed.


mistress_tien is in charge of voting. She will handle *all* the vote counting. She is very free to make a post about it ;)


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