7 things meme

Apr 24, 2012 15:18

Comment on this post with ‘I love libraries’ and I’ll give you seven things I want you to talk about. They may make sense or they may be totally random.

Then post that list to your journal with your commentary. Other people can get lists from you and the meme merrily perpetuates itself.

My seven words courtesy of kytivafan

summer-I have a love/hate relationship with summer.  The kids are out of school, so I'm less busy, but....the kids are also out of school.  :P  I also love to swim, but hate wearing a swimsuit.  And I really and truly dislike being hot.

music-Couldn't live without it.  It's such a part of who I am.  My husband and kids are courtesy of my love affair with music.  I'm passing it on to my children.  Apparently, I come from a musical family since my great-grandmother played the tamburitza, and my great-uncle and grandmother used to sing/play in a bluegrass band together.  I love to sing, I love to play instruments, I love to listen, and I really, really miss performing.  My only regret is that I neither know how to play piano nor guitar.

shipping-Well, on first glance, I think of logistics.  I used to work for DHL when they were still in the US.  Loved that job.  Second glance, I think of shipping, as in romantic pairings.  I also have a love/hate relationship with that.  I didn't realize I have been doing it for far longer than I've been obsessed with NCIS, though.  For instance, I had no interest in seeing the 4th Pirates of the Caribbean b/c Elizabeth and Will weren't going to be in it.  And in re-watching the Star Wars movies (which I've been a huge fan of since childhood), I realize I totally ship Leia/Han.  LOL.  I also have this little nagging voice in the back of my head that says it's totally creepy.  I try to block that out.

education-Knowledge is power.  I think education is very important.  I love learning.  I would totally be like the Librarian and have several PhDs if time and money were no object.  I have loved school since kindergarten.  I only wish my kids loved it as much! *sigh*

language-I have a degree in linguistics, so I obviously think language is fascinating.  I love looking at language families and comparing/contrasting them.  It's amazing to see the similarities and how much we are all related.  I wish I was fluent in more, but it's nice to have a working knowledge base on such a broad level, too.  I do believe that foreign languages should be taught in primary (elementary) school, when children are much more able to absorb them and have a greater chance of becoming fluent.  I also believe that natural language has it's place, but any speaker of a language should be educated on it's proper use and context.  That's right.  I'm a linguist who is also a grammar/spelling nazi.  Go figure.  I also think it's extremely sad that I am literate in four different alphabets, while many people on this planet aren't literate in even their native one.  See above.

sports-I love sports.  I really do. I hail from Pittsburgh, after all!   I love WATCHING them.  I can't stand playing them.  And the fanaticism can be a bit frightening.  Getting into a fight b/c your team lost?  Really?  Grow up, people.  It's just a game.  And at the end of the day, while I am terribly loyal to my teams, there are more important things in the world to worry about.  It's just entertainment.

travel-I had always dreamed of travelling the world, learning languages fluently, studying different religions and cultures, but alas.  I chose a family, instead.  My dreams of global travel have pretty much evaporated in the last two years.  I am simply needed, here, more...and travelling with the kids is no longer an option.  My husband gets to travel a lot, and I have to admit, I am always just a bit jealous.


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