Challenge 51 - Blowback and Textures

Jun 11, 2007 22:34

Challenge 51

Caps: 414 - Blowback

From our 14th episode this season (we're getting there!), we have nine caps [here]. Unfortunately, there aren't any Ducky pics there because most of the good Ducky shots were spoilery. ~..~ But hopefully there are some other nice ones to work with. ^^ Feel free to mix and match these caps, and add effects. Caps are from Bluelight

You may submit up to three icons for this challenge.
The special vote will be: Best Crop

Theme: Textures
Here's a technical challenge of textures. You can use any caps you want, and any effects, but you *must* have one (or more) of these nine textures [here]. Okay, technically, mutsie_brushes are brushes, but they can be used as texures. ^__^ Textures are from mutsie_brushes, vodkaandirony, colorfilter, and, uh, some I made from playing with my cats. ^^;;; Okay, okay, that's the main reason textures are on my mind right now, and I was just really curious as to what else people could do with them. ^^ Plus, I wanted to pimp mutsie_brushes a bit. ;D

You may submit up to three icons for this challenge.
The special vote will be: Most Original

Common Rules (see the user info for this group for more information on rules)
[:] Post your entry (or entries) in a comment to this post. Don't forget to submit your entry in both IMG SRC and URL formats.
[:] Blends are allowed.
[:] No text is allowed.
[:] Animation is allowed for one entry only (i.e. all three allowed entries can't be animated - the other two *must* be still)
[:] Icons must not have been publicly posted prior to this challenge and must stay under cover until this challenge is over.

Entries are due Monday night, June 18, 9pm PST (mid EST). For what time that is in other zones, please see [the world clock].


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