Sixth Seed; [Action]

Dec 03, 2010 02:54

[Now, normally when people get back from a kidnapping, they take time to get themselves to the clinic. At the very least, they stop at home long enough to say "ow" to a roommate and pass out for a few days to sleep off the more personalized experimentation ( Read more... )

self-sufficient, it's just a little cruciatus, just a little bit bloodied, could really use a wand right now, plants are better than people, he'd been getting fat anyway, gardening, herbology: fun for the whole family!, un-mallynapped

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Comments 85

[Action - his last before going nuts! 8D] ......did Vash tell you to call him Frank? Can't remember. goldenglasses December 3 2010, 17:24:11 UTC
[Vash is up late tonight. There has been an anger rising in him and he's started to come to the flower shop late at night. The flowers calm him slightly and there are less humans to upset him at night.

You'll be happy to learn that he's been doing his best to care for your plants while you were gone. They would do better under your care, but he's done his best with the limited knowledge he has of those plants.]


[Action - ehehe oh dear~] And yes, he did, though we can retcon that if it's easier for you nearlychosen December 3 2010, 19:08:57 UTC
[It's unexpected to see lights on this late. Neville had expected an empty shop devoid of the need to make idle conversation. Still, it's not that Frank is an unwelcome sight. He offers a small smile to the sort-of florist on his way to return to his babies patch of flora.] ...You're here late tonight, yeah?


[Action] Nope! Frank works! As Vash doesn't want people he's becoming friends with to know his name goldenglasses December 3 2010, 19:12:43 UTC
[Likewise, Vash had expected an empty shop, but a human that cares so much about plants as you did isn't TOO bad.] I liked the quiet. Did you just get back?


[Action] Okie! :3 nearlychosen December 3 2010, 19:45:07 UTC
[Neville nods. The need for quiet is something he understands, if not something he gets much of at Potterhouse.] Yeah. Guess it's obvious, that. Sorry I couldn't give much notice. [And at least frank's got all his bits in all the right places. It would've been a right mess if he'd dropped back in the middle of an experiment.]


thestormishere December 4 2010, 19:25:21 UTC
[ This particular resident is more... eight foot tall yellow bird than owl, but she is creeping around in the dark- better to avoid others seeing her like that and all, while she attempts to find something to eat.

She freezes when Neville walks by right under her nose beak, mostly hidden in the shadows of a nearby building, though her head moves veeery slowly to watch him passing and-- curse her unfamiliar body, she lets out a quiet trill when she notices he's injured, rather than the simple breath of surprise she normally would have. ]


nearlychosen December 5 2010, 04:46:11 UTC
[...Well there's a sound he's never heard before. He jumps at the sudden noise, regarding the oversized bird carefully. He's never been particularly brilliant with magical creatures, but this one did seem to want some attention. He attempts a smile, giving it a bow in case it wished to be greeted like a Hippogriff, though it mostly just makes him grimace sharply. Okay, the body doesn't want to move like that. Understood. He'll just try to greet it in a warm voice and hope it doesn't try to peck his eyes out.] Well hello. I don't reckon I've seen a creature like you here before.


thestormishere December 5 2010, 14:42:38 UTC
[ Oh great. So not only did he notice her, but he's bowing(?) and talking to her too. Were she currently capable of better facial expressions, it's safe to say hers would be very flat and irritated right now. ]

... I'm a chocobo. What happened to you?

[ Fortunately, her voice can illustrate that quite well by itself. ]


nearlychosen December 6 2010, 19:43:19 UTC
[Oh, it speaks! That's not entirely uncommon, here.]

...It's nothing to be concerned about. Just a few scrapes, really.


[Action] hisdarkmark December 6 2010, 19:25:30 UTC
[Draco Malfoy counts as a night person, and so it's no surprise he's out and about the village at this time of night. However, he's happy to blend into the shadows and watch because really, who the bloody hell buys flowers this late in the day? Super-sleuthing is on and he's starting to inch closer to spy.

Being a pseudo-Gryffindor sometimes really is kind of a pain.]


[Action] nearlychosen December 6 2010, 19:39:11 UTC
[Unfortunately, super-spy, Neville's a little on edge tonight. He hesitates slightly as he reaches for the door handle, casting a glance behind him. He could've sworn he'd just heard something.]


[Action] hisdarkmark December 7 2010, 17:48:31 UTC
[And back to hiding! Go on, Longbottom, continue so Draco can stalk you from afar.]


[Action] nearlychosen December 7 2010, 19:33:47 UTC
[Well, it could have just as easily been a trick of the light or some woodland creature taking an excursion to the village. Though it might not be terribly interesting to watch Neville enter the shop and not exit. He'll probably have to be followed more thoroughly if Draco's looking to get anything out of this.]


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