Yes, it's Girl Scout cookie time :-)
If you need any encouragement to buy Girl Scout Cookies, check out this great PSA: This page from GSUSA National can help you find Girl Scout cookies in your area, wherever you live. If you're in Central Indiana, our cookies are $3.50 a box, and produced by Little Brownie Bakers. If you haven't been approached directly by one of our girl members, you can call our local toll-free hotline 1-877-474-2249 or order online here Your order will be processed so troops in your area can find and fill your order. You only pay when the cookies are delivered.
Alternatively, you can get cookies instantly at Cookie Booths (especially Marsh Supermarkets), the weekends of February 26, March 5 and March 12.
Also, check out Operation Cookie Drop - you can buy boxes of Girl Scout Cookies to be given to soldiers deploying through Camp Atterbury. Last year we distributed 4,000 cases!
Flyer: Thank you for supporting Girl Scouts!