I am alive but (as apparent) I'm also very busy.
Here are some of the realizations that I've come to recently...
Today at work my bosses and I were discussing which people were going to be RAs in my building next year, and one of them said “you need to be up front and honest”. Sure, NO PROBLEM. But then, after everything I said I was giving this look like “yeah, I can see why YOU would say that, but you don’t know that WHOLE story.” Why is it that I have to be up front and honest with them, but they can hide things from me?
All year I’ve been struggling with the fact that I have more judicials than any other hall director on this campus. I’ve finally decided that I will deal with them when I can. Sure, I’ll try to get them asap, but things come up and some times I have more important things to do. So, this is my new laidback approach.
For those of you that haven’t heard, Laurie’s brother was murdered in New Baltimore last week. I went home to be with her for the funeral. The whole time I was thinking, how is it that I’ve forgotten to keep in touch with those people that were once my life? So it’s my new goal. I’m working on it, so help me out. Call. Email. Something.