Dear Richard,
I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to write this, but the pain was too intense, the sense that I'd somehow failed you - even though I hadn't seen you in years - was too strong, and the shame from that almost overwhelming.
I think we all felt that way to some extent.
You were so beautiful. You had such grace, such brilliance behind your shyness. I was so lucky, so honored to have been counted among your friends. You were my lifesaver so many times, and I tried to be the same for you. I tried to understand your overwhelming desire to leave this place. We all tried to understand. We were all in love with you, switch. It was impossible not to be...
I only wish you'd have seen that.
Your picture has been on my workspace since you went away, but tears have been shed and healing has begun and even though the grief will never fade I have to let go of the shock and the pain. Memories of you will always be with me, and that's all I can ask for.
Goodbye, Richard. I will always miss you.