NaNo character profile - Malkinim

Oct 29, 2011 22:22

So I'm following Chen's lead and working out character profiles for my NaNo set. Here's the first, Malkinim.

Malkinim is a faery knight. He's a swordsman, of course (see the far right photos; that's how I picture his costume and sword), although he's in exile. When Roz and Tahmik come across Mal, they find him in the woods caught in a faery ring - you'd think a fae wouldn't get caught in a ring, but he'd been deliberately put there. He fell for a fae princess, and her father is the one who put Mal in the ring. Roz and Tahmik manage to knock Mal free, but only because outside of the fae world, the king's magic isn't as powerful. He put Mal's ring outside of their world to add insult to injury, more than anything - Mal isn't allowed in the fae world anymore.

That's how I picture Mal's princess.

Malkinim certainly isn't his full name, but a faery doesn't share their names because of the power over them. He ends up traveling with Roz and Tahmik, because he owes them for breaking him free from the ring. He hasn't got anything waiting for him anyway, since he's been exiled from his own world.

As far as appearance, the doll up there is how I picture him to look. The far right costume is what I picture for him, the blond is how I picture his hair style. The rest are all pictures of the same doll, which looks startlingly close to how I pictured Mal, minus his hair - the color is right, but it isn't long enough.

Mal is quiet, but not surly, reserved, but not withdrawn. He's polite and friendly enough, although he doesn't offer information about himself unless asked. He's obedient to a fault, from centuries (yes, centuries) of knighthood, and he doesn't offer any commentary on Roz's eccentricities, until he sees a zombie. Necromancy's the opposite of fae magic - one is working with death, while the other is a very concentrated type of life magic. Fae are raised to think of necromancy as an abomination, so he naturally reacts very badly the first time he sees Roz raise anything. He gets over it, though - he has no choice, since he owes Roz and Tahmik a debt.

Mal's the newest of the three main characters, but the easiest to explain. Roz is my main character, but Tahmik is generally the POV character, which means I have more information about Roz and Mal than I do about Tahmik. So Roz is probably going to be the next character to keep an eye out for.

character profiles, malkinim

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