Title: From pkaner88@gmail.com, All-Star Captain Pt.2
Fandom: Hockey RPS // Chicago Blackhawks
Rating: PG
Pairing: Jonathan Toews/Patrick Kane
Words: 296
Notes: The third fic in the 'From pkaner88@gmail.com' series.
Summary: Jesus, Toe-ez. All Patrick wants is for you to close the window.
First |
Second | Third
From pkaner88@gmail.com, All-Star Captain Pt.2
From: pkaner88@gmail.com
To: jonathan.toews@gmail.com
Subject: close the window
Jonathan snorts under his breath and absently pushes his feet further under Patrick's thighs. They're sitting opposite one another on Jonathan's couch, laptops balanced on their knees. A crisp breeze carrying the scent of winter and Lake Michigan slips through the barely cracked window. It reminds Jonny of Winnipeg.
From: pkaner88@gmail.com
To: jonathan.toews@gmail.com
Re: close the window
im ur captain for the asg so do it…plus im cold
"Then close it yourself," Jonny replies out loud, rolling his eyes for Patrick's benefit.
From: pkaner88@gmail.com
To: jonathan.toews@gmail.com
RE: close the window
its no fun if u dont ansewr in email :(
ps close the window dick…please?
"It's no fun period. You're closer anyways. Why can't you do it?" To be fair, the distance is negligible, but if Patrick's going to bring the All-Star Game into this, Jonny should get some leeway for pettiness too.
From: pkaner88@gmail.com
To: jonathan.toews@gmail.com
RE: RE: close the window
too comfortable
Patrick keeps his eyes firmly on the computer screen as if embarrassed to express the sentiment, or even acknowledge it. For Jonny's sake, it's better if Patrick doesn't look up or else he'd see a whole lot of pink flushing to dark red.
It's ridiculous that Patrick has the ability to make him blush like that, shy and tentative but still gloriously happy, almost delirious with it. He sinks his body deeper into the couch, fitting a leg into the space behind Patrick's lower back as Patrick unconsciously shifts his weight to accommodate him.
"Me too," Jonny says after a long while of pretending not to have read the message. He'll let Patrick suffer for a little while longer, he thinks, and then, maybe instead of closing the window, he'll just get the blankets.