Weirdness involved in this (aside from them and all the Scientology crap): Brooke Shields has her baby the same day, in the same hospital, down the hall. It's also a girl (Grier) and she also weighed 7 pounds and was 20 inches. If you remember the drama with Tom attacking Brooke for writing a book about post-partum depression
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Well, I wasn't supposed to be back until Thursday, but things went differently then we thought they would yesterday, so I am back today already
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"This is our team," declared Lynette Jackson, 50, of D.C., who called in sick to her job with the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services so she could attend the game with her family. "I called in to ask for leave and didn't tell them why."
Well, let's hope no one at her work reads the Washington Post!