So, out of laziness and absolute chaos in the past few weeks, I have had little time for updatage. What have I been doing? Well, I attempted to survive AP Fortnight 2005, and so far I am still here, which is a plus. I survived Pesach with a desperate need for cookies. Spring was hella fantastic.
Today I ate lunch on top of the shed with
awww...Taylor is hella cyyute...
Vince, the UDS's number three fan...and he has an amazing hand made beanie to prove it...the master...
Brian crochetin in Calc the day after the AP way to relieve our lack of activity...
The other way to rid ourselves of boredom in's masterpiece by the extremely talented Brian Money Dollard...
yayuh...Taylor and Vince
On Saturday, Taylor and Vince built a table on the roof of the of the most spectacular feats in the history of the world. They proved all teenagers wrong, by actually using high school mathematics in every day life. This table lies completely flat on a slanted roof, made possible by the trigonometric wonder of SOHCAHTOA. It is amazing. And today we had lunch on it.
You know you are jealous of the incredible skillz.
On Friday, Taylor, Vince, Brian, Jean and I shall be going to the Shins concert at Hec-Ed, which I dont think I could be any more excited for. HOORAY.
Last weekend was NFTY-NW Spring Kallah, and it was hella awesome. No need for explanation.
Things I love about NFTY-NW...
Danny's consistent ability to stuff whole desserts into his mouth.
True love...that changes into true war.
The constant display.
extreme presidential hawttness.
my favorite TBT camp lovers...Mikaela and Hailee...aka Freddy McFreddy...
Religion and true passion for others.
Seniors who I'll never forget...I love you Lani!
Those who I will always be able to talk to about anything, because we share it all...:) <3 Steph
The most drastic improvement in the Westy Cheer ever, with the addition of this guy to NW Board.
Becca Varon, and her amazing ability to make me feel worthwhile.
New and old BTY Presidents, who will transform/have transformed BTY into absolute amazingness.
NFTY-NW BOARD 2005-2005...Dean Carson - President, Sarah Levin - Programming VP, Sarabeth Levine - Religious/Cultrual VP, Becca Varon - Social Action VP, Remara Koppel - Membership VP, Melissa Gipson - Communications VP, and Andrew Paull - Merchandising VP....get ready for an amazing year...5756...
By the way, I am now officially a proud member of BOISTY...Belleuve's Organized Institution of Synagogue and Temple Youth...its REDIC-ULOUS...
Hope you are having a wonderful day, and comment, or I'll kick you to Neptune.
<3 Neeco