OOC [permissions/regains/hmd/contact]

Apr 01, 2013 18:58

How's my driving?~ leave a comment, anon is on screened and IP logging is off :D

AIM: hummingbirdcakes
email: omgwtfcandlejaATgmailDOTcom
plurk: ohdeer
real LJ: hello_ilu

OC stuff

Backtagging: yes!
Threadhopping: sure :D
Canon-puncturing: ahahaha knock yourself out
Offensive subjects: umm it just depends I guess? :c

IC stuff

Hugging this character: Sure!
Kissing this character: uh.... if you're close to her age (13).
Flirting with this character: see above
Punching this character: if you don't mind her getting you back. 8|
Fighting with this character: sure
Torturing/Injuring this character: ...ask?
Killing this character: see previous
Sex/Rape?: no.

Using telepathy or mind-reading abilities on this character: OC, go ahead. IC, she'll get pissed if you don't ask first.
Relationships: maybe.
Anything that shouldn’t be mentioned near this character?: nope.

[ ] hubtopband
[ ] Jaspersprite
[x] needlewands
[ ] Thorns of Oglothoth
[ ] Black Dress
[ ] violin

!regains, !hmd, !ooc

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