State of the Me: I've been fairly busy with work and all and horribly neglecting things like writing fic, but it doesn't seem to have had any effect on my RPing, which is good, I guess. I know some of those threads from the party are still hanging, so to those I'm still working on those with: I'm fine with either continuing on mega slows with those or fading, whichever you prefer. I am very flexible when it comes to those sorts of things. Also, in the short-term: this next weekend I will be hanging out with my sister with definitely limited internet, so it's safe to say I'll have to press pause on any threads that may be going on at that time. Just a heads-up!
kate beckett
Beckett enjoyed homeplot in the sense that she was home, solving cases and getting her cop on, but it wasn't so enjoyable in the sense that she had to tell Castle about her whole pregnancy scare, eek. Thankfully, it was nothing more than that, but it definitely gave her some perspective on where she wants their relationship to go and what they need to do to be more careful. For future plots, I don't have anything concrete for her yet, other than truthplot is going to give her the opportunity to be up-front and honest about the fact that, well, Castle is sort of her one and only because NO OTHER MAN CAN COMPAAAARE. Also she wants to spend more time with Alexis, especially since things are getting more serious with Castle. Girl bonding!
steve mcgarrett
Steeeeve is heeeere. He loves the island, he loves working on his hut and making all kinds of upgrades (at Danny's request), and soon I'm going to have him hunting for food on a regular basis donned in commando gear and homemade face paint and generally looking like an absolute goof. He's been surfing, too, on occasion, and might even be willing to give lessons to interested parties. He needs some kind of regular job, though, even if he'd be a horrible teacher and an even worse babysitter. Homeplot isn't going to be as significant for him as it is for Danny, being that he doesn't have very close family nearby to have a moment with before he disappears again. He's just trying to make more of an effort to make friends and get to know people on the island, even if it's something slightly outside his comfort zone.
Wichita - Zombieland (P3) - She's going to be the first one in out of my queue by request and out of a desire to see Columbus a little less lonely. Pluuuus everyone knows that zombie flicks push every single one of my buttons, that and Emma Stone. Once she gets over the weirdness of having a twin with super-red hair, she's going to be a little standoffish with meeting people given her severe trust issues, and that may lead to her alternating between tagging along after Columbus and going off by herself for short periods of time. It's going to be a long, arduous process, her opening up to others, and she will probably only share the real truth with very few. BUT I'M STILL EXCITED.
Abed Nadir - Community (P4?) - Um, I do not even know where this one came from? Other than that the Community cast already on the island is amazing and I'm hoping I can make a home for Abed alongside them. Granted, I wouldn't even consider apping him unless someone else was interested in bringing in Troy, but I have all sorts of ideas for them, including TROY AND ABED IN THE MORNING on island radio and Abed completely overwhelmed by the fact that many of his favorite characters on the planet are walking around breathing the same air as he is. He will probably try to dissect everything, overanalyze everybody and compare his life to something out of Lost, then promptly scrutinize the Lost cast to the nth degree. I DON'T EVEN KNOW, GUYS.