I'm late to the Teen Wolf party, and I've only seen up to episode 2x10, so I should probably really wait until I'm done so I can talk about it properly, but.
Some petty things I just had to get off my chest, even though honestly if I'm going to get upset about minor plot holes I should just watch a different show:
- That entire scene in the police precinct where Matt holds Scott and Stiles hostage makes NO SENSE WHATSOEVER. Jackson's not in the room at all, Matt has shown no signs of having any kind of super strength or healing ability, and Scott doesn't have to be afraid of bullets. Why did he not just punch him out?
- Why the fuck did Derek not manage to effectively restrain his pack during the full moon? Shouldn't he of all people know exactly what it takes to hold a werewolf down?
Some things that were just plain upsetting:
Derek torturing his pack, and specifically, breaking Isaac's hand. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. The guy came to you for refuge from his abusive father, and you're going to physically abuse him? I know Derek's got issues, but for fuck's sake some things are just inexcusable.
Although I do kind of lol incredulously every time Derek once again proves himself the shittiest teacher ever. I mean, he's not actually teaching the pack, he just watches them try without giving any instruction or advice, and then ridicules their failures. He is doing such an epically bad job of being pack leader.
Some things I loved:
- People finding out. I enjoy supernatural shows so much more when the people close to the hero eventually find out about his special powers, ideally before he's ruined his entire life by lying to them. (Not to rag on Merlin again twice in one day, but Merlin. >:( Also, though admittedly to a lesser degree, Chuck >:() Teen Wolf is pretty satisfying that way. I loved that Stiles knew from the start, I loved that Allison found out pretty quickly, and I'm really pleased with his mom finding out in this ep. :D
- All the Derek torture. When it comes to torture, Teen Wolf is partying like it's the nineties. I don't think I've seen someone strung up half-naked and sexily tortured in so much loving detail since, like, Angel. Has there even been an episode yet where Derek does not get hurt by someone, ideally with his shirt artistically ripped to pieces? Or, if no one's actively torturing him, has to torture himself? You could make an entire
vid just about Derek getting hurt, and I'd watch it. A few times.
- Stiles and his dad OMG. That scene at Lydia's party where everyone's hallucinating their worst nightmare, and Stiles sees his dad tell him that he's a disappointment and everything is his fault just KILLS ME. And what I loved even more was the Sheriff's actual reaction to getting fired, because it's so clear that he loves Stiles more than anything, and he did NOT want him to feel guilty.
The fic I desperately want: For the love of God, someone tell me there's an AU about one of the good guys ending up in control of the Kanima, and NOT abusing their power (so probably not Derek, because let's be honest here, he would) and Jackson being horrified at first, and then reluctantly coming to terms with the fact that he's kind of into it. I just want fic about Jackson being the angriest, brattiest, most secretly into it self-hating submissive ever.