Teen Wolf ep 2x11
I'm 30 minutes through this ep, and this is literally the most upsettingly stupid episode of anything I have ever seen in my life. Seriously, I'm frothing at the mouth at this point. I couldn't even continue watching before going off to have a rant about everything that annoys me about this ep.
What the FUCK is up with evil Allison? The wolves didn't kill her mom. Her mother and her father killed her mom! Allison is completely fucking aware that it's possible to live a perfectly happy, non-psychotic life as a werewolf, because hello, her boyfriend is doing it! The only reason the Argents thought her mom needed to die is because they're crazy hate-filled psychos, and while I thought her death was very in-character and really kind of touching, Allison should know better. I can see how maybe she'd be irrationally upset at Derek for his part in that whole mess, but that sure as hell is no reason to throw out any semblance of a code and go after a bunch of 16 year old kids who as far as I can remember haven't hurt ANYONE yet.
- What the FUCK is up with people's obsession with that lacrosse game? YOU'RE IN MORTAL DANGER AND SO IS EVERYONE YOU LOVE. WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT LACROSSE?
- Why the fuck isn't anyone doing anything about the Jackson situation? They know how to contain a Kanima now. Just fucking lock him somewhere behind a circle of ash.
Man, the stupidity is totally ruining my enjoyment of
- &Stiles's dad; I just really like how much he loves his son.
- Derek's pack leaving him. Derek's manpain really hasn't gotten old yet.
...No, really, everything else about this ep can go fuck itself.
*deep breath*
Okay, back to watching. I guess there's ten minutes left for this ep to redeem itself, or alternately maybe Derek could take his shirt off and get hurt for a while, that would also make me feel better.