Things I loved:
- Leon! I still lol like a lunatic every time he gets himself into trouble and poor John has to save him even though he so does not have time for this shit.
- Finch failing at spycraft. He spends so much time as the all-powerful hacker, I always get such glee out of watching him be a horrible, terrible, no good spy.
- John's totally fucked up non-reaction to having the trigger pulled on him in the Russian Roulette scene, and Finch's equally fucked up quiet acceptance of his probable death. Like they said in the pilot, they both seem to have accepted that this job is going to kill them sooner rather than later. Guys, my heart. :(
- John's total refusal to accept that someone is going to kill Finch.
- John shamelessly admitting to listening in on Finch's private conversations. They're so well-matched in their total lack of boundaries and their habit of showing concern for someone by creeping all over their private life.
- How much John was obviously hurting for Harold's pain in their last scene, and how you could see him desperately struggling to think of something comforting to say and failing. OW OW OW. :(
Things I was meh about:
Lou. He was such a cliche of the old cantankerous resourceful gambler with a heart of gold, I expected him to turn out evil every second of that ep, especially after Finch's weird "No way could that old man hurt someone!" line. Come the fuck on, Finch isn't that trusting.
I can never decide what I hate more, the fridged girlfriend cliche or the "I had to leave her for her own good!" cliche. GROSS.
In conclusion, I really really need a better gif of Reese's heartbroken helpless "Harold is hurting, what do I do :(" face.