I think I've mentioned before about the joys of being a beta reader. Getting to read incredible stories and watch them gel and evolve into what finally gets posted is more than a little satisfying. Most of the time, I'm just as affected by the feedback as the author, because I'm proud for them and proud of their creation. Such is the case with the current series that
melagan is writing using
cliche_bingo prompts. Those of you who have read it know it as the Sensual Magic series where John is a vampire and Rodney is not. But, this is not your typical vamp story. Oh no, no.
On the other hand, if you haven't read these stories… then I'm so glad you're here! This is an AU that will totally sweep you up. It's fantastic and I've enjoyed being a teeny part of it. Enjoyed it so much, I was inspired to create several pieces of art, well digitally manipped art anyway. Below is a link that will take you to the entire series (so far) in order and the art is behind the cut. Please go read these marvelous stories. I promise, you will beg for more.
Sensual Magic Series For Out of Time
This one is just inspired by the series. Libertine John. I see this as perhaps the century before the Past, or some other previous time, in Out of Time
John's Potential in the same time as Libertine John
For All of a Kind
For One of a Kind
For Out of Time and the series in general
The base caps are all stills from Interview With the Vampire with the exception of Liz. Her cap is a still from Bram Stoker's Dracula and the house is a pic sent to me by the author herself.