*points at picture*
So, as only a very select few of you knew (partly because I needed to keep myself calm and partly due to my stupid internet situation, but I'll get to that later), I had heard back from the professor last Monday, where he told me the thesis was okay and to bring in the required number of bound versions and he'd get the autographs.*
So, because I'd been away for most of Tuesday, I started printing the thesis Tuesday evening. Of course it went wrong a number of times but at quarter to one in the morning I had five theses printed out. So I had them bound on Wednesday and then had, in the afternoon, a lovely case of short-circuiting - leaving the entire downstairs without any electricity. Thank goodness for mobile phones so that I could ring the parents at the campsite to ask them some questions. No, my week here has not been boring (I refer once again to the internet situation).
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway. I was so nervous yesterday morning that I had trouble with my breakfast. Luckily, I go to the gym in the morning and could work off some of my nerves there (although I don't think the person I always go with was very happy with me nervoulsy yapping her ears off)...
So. Long story short... Professor autographed both the examination paper, the two theses I need to hand in to the examination committee and my upload had arrived. So now I have forms to
complete that'll let me get my diploma... So it looks like I'll have to go into the again next week, to hand in those papers... What a hardship ;-)
- well, as soon as I apply for the diploma I'll have something to show -
A HUGE Thank You goes to
mefeather who proofread the bloody thing numerous times, prevented me from stupid typos, weird sentence structure and who provided a much needed sane voice when I went rather hyper and ballistic over how the cover page should look and what exactly should be on there... ♥
AND Thank You to those of
you who have been reading about my thesis woes and who have taken the trouble to leave me encouraging words. Be it in comments here or on our IM chats. I won't be naming names because I've talked to a number of you and I don't want to forget anybody. ♥
*Because this is not a regular tentamination, we need to get an examination paper filled out. This is a multi-layered paper with a blue, yellow, pink and white layer. I got the blue one when I filled it out and handed it in. Now, after the professor has signed the remaining three layers, I get the pink one, so that I can prove I got the grade and the professor needs to send the white one to the examination administration. Once the administration's received it, I can apply for my diploma...
Right. On July 25th we were to be converted to a higher speed internet connection. Since I'd gone on holiday on the 22nd, I figured I'd just set it up when I got back. I set everything up on that Thursday evening.
I tried. Then my across the street neighbour tried. For over an hour.
He tried again on the Friday afternoon.
We phoned the helpdesk. FOUR (4!!) times. Only during the last phonecall did we find out what was the problem --> the idiots had assigned us, along with 499 others, two IP adresses. So no connection could be made. As of Wednesday evening the light, indicating there now is a connection, has been burning cheerfully. To help me out, my neighbour across the street generously allowed me in on his wireless network.
This had let to me being in two awkard positions.
Awkward position #1 -- on the sofa that is in front of the window, on my back, with my feet on the seat and the laptop on top of those knees. Not inducive to a healthy back and shoulders
Awkward position #2 -- in the upstairs bathroom, sitting on the loo with the laptop on the washing machine
This is why I haven't been on all that much or, more importantly, why I kept disappearing when I was talking to you... The signal isn't all that strong and it would disappear if I were to set the laptop down etc...
I'm so happy to have access on at least one decent computer now because OMG I have bills to pay!
Aaaaaaaaaaaanyway -- I now also have a JournalFen account, with the same name as here. Due to the internet situation I'm not half as far with friending people, finding comms etc for the mirror journals. I'm also still undecided exactly what content I should back up...
But now, I really should go and have some breakfast.
*boogies off*